Win more real estate clients with personalized landing pages

Attract potential buyers and win them over with personalized, ad-relevant landing pages that show off your services and listings. Instapage lets you build pages at scale without technical skills, giving you more time to engage with clients.

Turn clicks into closings with the #1 landing page platform

Get your real estate business online faster
Tailor messages to your buyers' searches
Optimize your real estate business for growth
Maximize retargeting to close more deals

Get your real estate business online faster

Our drag & drop builder with diverse design features lets you showcase your properties using professional photos and video tours that grab potential buyers as soon as the page loads. And the best part — it all takes a few minutes and doesn't require a developer.

Tailor messages to your buyers' searches

Bring in more customers for your real estate business with messages that resonate with all audience segments, from first-time homebuyers to luxury or commercial property seekers. Instantly update copy based on visitors’ keyword search terms using Dynamic Text Replacement.

Optimize your real estate business for growth

See how visitors engage with your landing pages and respond to your listings. Track bounce rate, cost-per-visitor, conversion rates, and more. Once you get the insights, optimize your pages by running A/B tests — all without the hassle of switching between apps.

Maximize retargeting to close more deals

If visitors leave your landing page, it doesn't mean they're not interested. They might be unsure of the property or distracted. Enhance your retargeting campaigns with personalized landing pages that showcase real estate properties your visitors liked.

Get your real estate business online faster
Tailor messages to your buyers' searches Tailor messages to your buyers' searches sidebar
Optimize your real estate business for growth Optimize your real estate business for growth sidebar
Maximize retargeting to close more deals Maximize retargeting to close more deals

Get your real estate business online faster

Our drag & drop builder with diverse design features lets you showcase your properties using professional photos and video tours that grab potential buyers as soon as the page loads. And the best part — it all takes a few minutes and doesn't require a developer.

Tailor messages to your buyers' searches

Bring in more customers for your real estate business with messages that resonate with all audience segments, from first-time homebuyers to luxury or commercial property seekers. Instantly update copy based on visitors’ keyword search terms using Dynamic Text Replacement.

Optimize your real estate business for growth

See how visitors engage with your landing pages and respond to your listings. Track bounce rate, cost-per-visitor, conversion rates, and more. Once you get the insights, optimize your pages by running A/B tests — all without the hassle of switching between apps.

Maximize retargeting to close more deals

If visitors leave your landing page, it doesn't mean they're not interested. They might be unsure of the property or distracted. Enhance your retargeting campaigns with personalized landing pages that showcase real estate properties your visitors liked.

Get up and running faster with conversion-optimized templates

Pick a landing page template and customize it to match your campaign.

Browse templates
Marketing teams Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image Decoration image

Instapage products that support your real estate marketing

Mobile-responsive pages

Mobile-responsive pages

Create landing pages that adjust to all screen sizes, load quickly, and enhance visitor engagement. Mobile-responsive pages provide seamless user experiences on any device, helping buyers find their desired real estate without hassle.

Instablocks® and Global Blocks

Instablocks® and Global Blocks

When you need to update real estate listings or launch campaigns fast, build personalized landing pages with customizable page blocks. Save, reuse, and update them across multiple pages in just one click.

AI content generation

AI content generation

If you need to create compelling copy, catchy headlines, strong CTAs, or fine-tune your messaging for A/B testing, Instapage’s AI assistant can do it in seconds, giving you extra time to focus on your strategic initiatives.

Ad mapping

Ad mapping

Visualize all your ads and ad groups and match landing pages in one place. Use dynamic text replacement to quickly improve PPC performance by matching copy to your visitor’s search query for better conversions and a higher Quality Score.

Lead forms

Lead forms

Create lead capture forms with various fields, drop-down lists, or radio buttons to attract high-quality leads. Provide free financial tools or resources in return for form completion to boost visitor engagement.

Tracking and testing

Tracking and testing

Track page visitors, conversions, scroll depth, mouse movement, and clicks. You can also connect with Google Analytics for more details on your campaigns. Then, run quick server-side split tests without any page load delays.

Mobile-responsive pages

Create landing pages that adjust to all screen sizes, load quickly, and enhance visitor engagement. Mobile-responsive pages provide seamless user experiences on any device, helping buyers find their desired real estate without hassle.

Instablocks® and Global Blocks

When you need to update real estate listings or launch campaigns fast, build personalized landing pages with customizable page blocks. Save, reuse, and update them across multiple pages in just one click.

AI content generation

If you need to create compelling copy, catchy headlines, strong CTAs, or fine-tune your messaging for A/B testing, Instapage’s AI assistant can do it in seconds, giving you extra time to focus on your strategic initiatives.

Ad mapping

Visualize all your ads and ad groups and match landing pages in one place. Use dynamic text replacement to quickly improve PPC performance by matching copy to your visitor’s search query for better conversions and a higher Quality Score.

Lead forms

Create lead capture forms with various fields, drop-down lists, or radio buttons to attract high-quality leads. Provide free financial tools or resources in return for form completion to boost visitor engagement.

Tracking and testing

Track page visitors, conversions, scroll depth, mouse movement, and clicks. You can also connect with Google Analytics for more details on your campaigns. Then, run quick server-side split tests without any page load delays.

Build unique landing pages that sell more real estate

Create personalized landing pages for each ad and watch conversions grow.

Get started
Build landing pages Build landing pages sidebar
“Instapage gives us the ability to tailor our landing page content and layout to tell a unique story for each geographical target. The platform also enables us to create different variations with content that performs well for each unique channel. Every marketing team needs this!”
User review
Tamar Friedland, Sr. Director of Global Paid Marketing
"Instapage has truly maximized our digital advertising performance by enabling us to offer matching, personalized experiences for every ad and audience. Now we can scale our landing page experiences as efficiently and effectively as we scale the ads themselves."
User review
Darren Lepke, Marketing Director
"If we have to wait on a developer, our creative velocity plummets. But Instapage has made it possible for us to exponentially grow our advertising programs and convert more customers"
User review
Alex Kracov, Head of Marketing

Leading the way in building high-performing landing pages

Hight Performer
Best Est. ROI
Best Results

Watch how to boost your real estate business with landing pages

How to boost your real estate business with landing pages
Get pre-built
Google Analytics
Gogole Ads

Integrate with your favorite tools

Connect with popular email marketing services, CRMs, sales apps, and more to easily reach out to your real estate leads, nurture them, and speed up your sales pipeline.

Explore all integrations

Turn ad clicks into closed deals

Try the world's most advanced landing page platform today.

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Customizable Customizable