Not a long time ago, the world was introduced to this thick yellow book that held within it the gateway to everything that anyone could need: The Yellow Pages. Customers got all the information that they needed about your business from a single source, and everyone sang Hallelujah all around. Then came the internet, personal computers, laptops and notebooks and they took the world by storm, everybody got the technology fever and glued themselves in front of a computer screen.
No need to open a book anymore, all they needed to do was click; the Yellow Pages were left in a corner collecting dust. Now, however, there’s a new sheriff in town, computers are out and Android phones are in. Why click when you can simply move the world around by the sense of your touch!
Why Do You Need an Android Landing Page?
Before I tell you why you need an Android landing page, just take a second and think why you need a landing page to begin with; to convert your visitors into customers, to generate leads and to get conversions right?
Well, just as the internet and computers made Yellow Pages obsolete, Androids are slowly pushing all other technologies out of their way. And because all of your potential customers now function only with a BlackBerry or smart phone in their hands, you need an Android landing page to fulfill your marketing goals.
So, in this day and age if you want customers to sign up for your service and buy your product you need to set up an Android landing page; a landing page that is compatible with mobile phones.
Make Your Landing Page Android-Phone Ready
The standard landing page that you set up isn’t Android or mobile device ready, meaning that the page doesn’t display exactly as it does on your visitors’ desktop. So, the first step in getting your Android landing page up and running is to design your landing page keeping in mind a mobile phone and touch screen interaction. Your visitors should be able to navigate your Android landing page on their mobile phones with ease.
Compatibility of your Android landing page is no doubt a BIG deal; however, this isn’t where your Android landing page journey ends. Because there’s a hell lot of a difference in between Android landing page optimization and standard landing page optimization and without getting the optimization right you can’t get any conversions.
4 Key Steps of Android Landing Page Optimization
To get your Android landing page optimized you need to do the following four things;
1. Do it Quickly
Mobile users don’t want a landing page that goes on and on, they want all the information as quickly as possible, so that they can act fast (download, call or whatever) if they like what they see.
2. State the Main Goal
Tell your visitors the primary goal of your Android landing page right off the bat, do you want them call or text? Let them know immediately, and they are likely to do so.
3. Content Needs to Be Concise
Your Android landing page copy should be as concise as possible. Mobile users don’t have a lot of time to spend reading your lengthy text. If you want to do it right, give them a copy that’s clear and concise.
4. Simplify Everything
Each of your Android landing pages needs to have a concise and interesting headline, a few short sentences of copy, a call to action button and contact information, if you see anything else on it, remove it a.s.a.p.!
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