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Product Update: Instantly Add Sticky Bars to Your Landing Pages for Better Conversions (No-Code Needed)

by Saranya Babu in Instapage Updates Instapage is announcing the release of the Sticky Bars feature. Learn more!

If there’s one word that would describe a good landing page experience, it would be sticky. You want the messaging on the page to be sticky enough to resonate with visitors, and you want your visitors to stick around for as long as it takes them to convert.

Your landing page offer and CTA button should be on visitors’ minds as they scroll through the page, and the best way to do this subtly and effectively is with our newest feature: Sticky Bars.

What is a sticky bar?

A sticky bar is exactly what its name indicates: it is a horizontal header or footer banner fixed at the top or bottom of your landing page as visitors scroll.

It doesn’t matter which page section a visitor is on at any given time—the bar sticks with them, so they can always see it.

You can use sticky bars for your CTA button and landing page offers, to display an important message to visitors, and other opt-in options. The fixed bars are perfect for mobile experiences with limited-page real estate, long-form sales pages, and landing pages with high-value, copy-heavy offers.

Jolie Skin, the filtered shower head brand, uses a sticky shop CTA button with the “Free Shipping, Free 60-day return” message so that visitors have the offer in front of them as they read through the reasons why they need Jolie.

Sticky bars help you:

  • Reinforce your CTAs
  • Increase visibility
  • Reduce conversion friction
  • Promote time-sensitive content
  • Cross-sell and upsell
  • Add progress indicators in multi-step forms
  • Share announcements and alerts
  • Increase chances of conversions on mobile

Now let’s get into how you can instantly add sticky bars to your landing pages with a simple click and without code in Instapage.

Instapage makes adding sticky bars instant

The newest Instapage Sticky Bars feature allows you to easily add a sticky header and footer to your landing pages.

The feature is built-in, so all you have to do is navigate to the new Sticky bars option in your page settings and toggle on ‘Sticky Header’ and ‘Sticky Footer,’ and you fix the bar on your page without adding any code.

You can toggle on either one or both options and have it appear on desktop, mobile, or both views. Once set up, your header and footer will remain fixed at the top and bottom of the page as visitors scroll, and you can customize the banner to your conversion needs. It really is that easy.

Use sticky bars to increase conversions

Try out the no-code sticky bar feature on your Instapage landing page today and see what conversion miracles it can work for your campaigns.

Choose a completely customizable design from our 500+ templates based on your industry and goals and add a sticky bar on your pages to give visitors an interruption-free experience. Sign up for the 14-day free trial and start creating landing pages with sticky bars to maximize your conversions.

Try the world's most advanced landing page platform with a risk-free trial.

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