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6 Brands Using Instagram Stories to Drive Audience Engagement

by Taylen Peterson in Conversion Optimization how to use Instagram Stories

Instagram is becoming a more important channel for brands looking to expand their social marketing presence, this is becoming more evident with Instagram Stories.

Instagram Stories and other new tools

Instagram has released a handful of new products and tools for users over the past few months. One of the most talked-about is Instagram Stories, which includes a few different ways to invite your followers into your brand’s personality.

This picture shows marketers how to use Instagram Stories and the new features to engage your audience better and increase brand awareness.

Instagram Stories are a new way for users to share pictures that a user might not want to remain on their profile indefinitely. Instead, Stories are shared with followers at the top of the regular feed and are deleted automatically after 24 hours. If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

How are Instagram Stories different from Snapchat?

The biggest difference between posting a regular photo or video versus a Story is that Stories are ephemeral and users can enhance the images with more than just filters. Instagram Stories are, as many have pointed out, a direct competitor of Snapchat as users can add text and stickers, draw on them, and even include a link or mention other users.

It’s the last two features that help Instagram’s version stand out, though.

With the ability to add links and mention users Instagram creates a culture of inclusion, rather than secrecy and exclusion that is often the draw of Snapchat. Instagram Stories are also searchable and appear publicly on a profile if a profile is set to public. This stands in contrast to Snapchat, which doesn’t have “profiles” for users to see previous content or view Stories. You must follow someone on Snapchat to discover his or her content.

Instagram Live

Alongside Stories, Instagram also released Instagram Live as a way for users to live stream video to followers in the moment. In the ever-increasing live-streaming arms race, this is another platform for Facebook, Instagram’s parent company, to corner more of the market. And, since Instagram is a platform specifically used for sharing photos and videos, the move makes sense.

Instagram Live is an even more ephemeral experience than Stories in that the live video disappears from your feed when the video ends. Stories have a shelf-life of 24 hours.


More recently, Instagram moved Boomerang directly into the app. Boomerang started as a separate app to create a short 1-3 second burst of pictures that would look forward and backward. Now, though, users can create a Boomerang directly in a Story.

Hands Free

One feature that gets missed, but is a big improvement over the current video recording, is the “Hands Free” option. No, this isn’t voice activated or anything. What it means is that you don’t need to use your hand the entire time you’re recording a video — just like the regular camera on your phone operates. You click once to start recording and click a second time to end. That’s it.

How to increase your Instagram Story views

You’re creating Stories, but how do you gain a larger audience? Unlike regular Instagram posts, you can’t rely on hashtags and tagging as many people as regular images. There are a few tactics and strategies to consider, though.

1. Repost or prepost content from your Stories to your feed

About to have an event? Post an announcement image to your regular feed letting users know to be on the lookout for the upcoming Stories that are sure to come.

Create a great Story? Before you post it, press the “save” button in the lower right and post it again as a regular image. You can save images after posting them by opening your Story and swiping up. If you’ve posted more than one image, it will save as a video slideshow.

2. Go live often

Alongside other popular trending Stories in the Explore page are the “Top Live” posts. As we’ve talked about quite a bit on our blog, live video is becoming an arms race and Instagram is pushing it just as hard.

If you’re going live and providing great content, more people are going to tune in. These videos often rotate as more viewers tune in, and live videos end. So by going live often, you’re giving yourself a chance to appear and gain more followers:

This picture shows marketers how to use Instagram Stories to gain a larger audience by "going live" more often.

3. Mention people

It’s no secret that people love attention, especially on social media. Give the people what they want by using the mention feature in your Instagram Stories. You can tag customers, followers, or those who inspire you with a personalized message. This sends a notification to the user who will more than likely see the content. Be careful with this one, though. You don’t want to wear out your welcome by over-tagging people.

4. Gain more followers

This one seems pretty straightforward because it is. The more followers you have, the more potential your Instagram Stories have to be seen. Follow other users, use relevant hashtags on regular posts, and engage with the content of those you would like to follow you back.

5. Create great content

Again, not groundbreaking but still the best way to organically grow your following. The more accounts that are watching your Stories, sending messages, and engaging with them in other ways, the better chance your brand’s account has of appearing on the “Explore” page alongside other trending Stories:

This picture shows marketers how to use Instagram Stories to create great content and increase viewership.

6. Run Instagram ads

This one is more indirect, but running ads is a good way to increase both followers and engagement on your account. Plus, it can provide a boost to your algorithmic score. In turn, this can make it more likely that your Stories will appear on the Explore page.

Why brands should use Instagram Stories

One of the most important reasons for businesses to use Instagram Stories is relevancy in your followers’ feeds. Since Instagram updated the feed to be algorithmic in June of 2016, having stories always appear at the top of a follower’s feed helps your brand remain top-of-mind. Popular Stories also appear at the top of the Explore page, helping gain an even wider reach:

This picture shows marketers how brands can use Instagram Stories to generate brand awareness and web page traffic.

Going “live” has a similar impact as users will receive a push-notification if they haven’t turned live notifications off. Instagram even has a “best of live” that appears alongside other stories if no one in your network is live at that moment.

Use this knowledge to develop a strategy for promoting your brand, inviting followers behind the scenes, and broadening your audience with high-quality live video and stories. Many other companies are already excelling at Instagram Story marketing.

How to use Instagram Stories

There are many creative ways brands are using Instagram already. Ultimately, it comes down to what your campaign goals are for Instagram.

  • Are you trying to give your audience a look behind the scenes at your company?
  • Do you want to help a promotion gain a wider audience?
  • Are you attempting to drive more traffic to a blog post, post-click landing page, or video?

Step one is to define your goals, and then you can look at how a few larger brands are addressing these challenges.

One of the biggest advantages that brands have over regular accounts is the ability to link to an outside web page. This feature is not yet available to individual accounts but is something many brands are recognizing as a way to grab an audience that is already engaging with the brand directly and direct them to a specific blog post, website, or post-click landing page.

It’s important to note that links can only be included in an Instagram Story, not a live video. Don’t let that stop you from getting creative in your video, though. You can still tell viewers to visit a link in your profile bio, write a URL and show it on-screen, or even tell them the URL if it isn’t too complex. If you do this, make sure to have the URL be short so viewers can remember it and visit the page later.

Let’s take a look at how a few companies are using Stories right now.

1. J.Crew

J.Crew has started using Instagram Stories to promote featured blog posts by including a few images to introduce the article’s premise and sending viewers to the post. This story illustrates how a brand can get creative with its CTA.

J. Crew’s Story was three images in total, with the third asking users to Swipe Up to read the blog as the CTA. When a company adds a link to an image, the “See More” and upward pointing caret are added by default. However, J.Crew recognizes that this is a poor CTA experience, so they supplemented it with the text and coloring features:

This picture shows marketers how to use Instagram Stories to generate post-click landing page traffic by demonstrating J.Crew's example.

This picture shows marketers how J.Crew uses Instagram Stories to generate website traffic and engage its audience.

2. Hint Water

Hint Water shows that healthy living isn’t just a marketing tactic. The company is committed to healthy living and taking care of mind and body with a yoga session, accompanied by Hint, of course:

This picture shows marketers how Hint Water uses Instagram Stories to establish brand awareness with its audience.

3. Cheerios

Cheerios uses Instagram Stories to give shout outs to its followers with personal messages. This kind of engagement is sure to brighten their day and can only help grow Cheerios’ followers:

4. Vogue Magazine

Vogue Magazine took advantage of a newsworthy event happening live. In order to bring more attention to the photographers capturing the historic moment, Vogue created a story with a few images and a prompt to see the full gallery of images on its website:

This picture shows marketers how Vogue Magazine uses Instagram Stories to generate website traffic.

This picture shows marketers how Vogue Magazine uses Instagram Stories to generate web page traffic for its image gallery.

5. Pacific Northwest Wonderland

Give followers an incentive for being a loyal follower, like Pacific Northwest Wonderland did in its Story. While they didn’t take advantage of a link to a post-click landing page for the promotion (lost opportunity!), they did give back a little something to its followers:

This picture shows marketers how Pacific Northwest Wonderland uses Instagram Stories to run a promotion and increase viewership.

6. Real Salt Lake

Everyone loves to see the behind the scenes lives of celebrities. Real Salt Lake gives fans a glimpse into the life of their athletes with a story that shows a few different players working hard on their strength and conditioning training. Doing this helps the audience feel closer to the action and like they’re part of the team:

This picture shows marketers how RealSaltLake uses Instagram Stories to engage its audience.

How to make Instagram Stories

Getting started with Instagram Stories is quite simple, but here are the steps to get rolling.

  1. From your following feed, click either the “Your Story” image or camera icon at the top.
  2. Choose the type of picture: Live, Normal, Boomerang, or Hands Free.
    To upload a photo from your camera roll, swipe the screen up or down (Only images from the past 24 hours will be available.)
  3. To create a video from “Normal” press and hold the capture button. Release the button when the video is finished.
  4. Spruce up the picture! Click anywhere on the image or the “Aa” button to add text. Click the “Marker” button to draw. Click the smiley-face square to add stickers. Swipe left to add a filter.
    You can move or resize text or stickers by pressing and dragging them and pinching or expanding your fingers over the element.
    Tag others by using @ and typing a username.
  5. When your image is ready to go, select “Your Story” to instantly post or click the white button with an arrow to share your story and/or specific followers.

And that’s it! You have added to your story.

How will you use Instagram Stories?

Whether you’re a casual Instagram user or leading a social media team looking for more ways to engage your audience, Instagram Stories can benefit you and your company.

Now is the time to capitalize on a well-thought-out strategy before your competitors do. Engage your audience more with Instagram Stories and be sure to drive them to a relevant and dedicated post-click landing page. Sign up for an Instapage Enterprise demo today.

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Taylen Peterson

by Taylen Peterson

Taylen Peterson is the Marketing Communications Manager at Instapage, the world's only Post-Click Automation platform, created to maximize advertising conversions. He writes about news and trends revolving around social media, branding, and communications. You can find him in a park or on a beach playing roundnet (aka Spikeball) on most weekends.

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