10 Signup Landing Page Examples That Get Prospects to Convert

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Landing Page Examples

For sign-up landing pages, the single goal you want prospects to complete is to register for your service. You must then ensure that every design element helps you achieve that goal.

After a quick landing page definition, we’ll then critique 10 sign-up page examples, what they do well to generate sign-ups, and what could be A/B tested for potentially better conversion results.

What is a signup landing page?

A typical landing page is a standalone web page that uses persuasive elements — a compelling headline, engaging media, valuable social proof, attention-grabbing CTA buttons, etc. — to convince visitors to take action on a specific offer. That action could be to set up an account, download a guide, register for a webinar, schedule a demo, and more.

A sign-up landing page has only one very specific conversion goal: to generate sign-ups for a service.

Since signing up is usually the last step in the conversion funnel, sign-up landing pages don’t focus as much on persuading the prospect to convert. Rather, this page type is more about minimizing the friction involved in conversion. This means that the more traditional landing page elements (social proof, testimonials, engaging media, etc.) aren’t quite as necessary for sign-up pages.

10 signup landing page examples

(For shorter sign-up page examples, we’ve shown the entire page. However, for longer pages, we only displayed them above the fold. You may need to click through to each page to see some of the points we discuss. Also, keep in mind that some brands may be A/B testing their page with an alternate version than is displayed below.)

1. LifeLock

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

2. Movies Anywhere

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

3. Qlik

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

4. D&B Hoovers

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

5. BirdEye

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

6. Ryte

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

7. Media Shower

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

8. Paychex

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

9. Zen Planner

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

10. Emma

What the page does well:

A/B tests to run:

Sign-up landing pages can make all the difference

By the time prospects get to the decision stage of the buyer’s journey, they know they have a problem, they’ve considered their options, and you’ve convinced them to select your product or service. The next logical step is to design a sign-up landing page they can’t leave without converting.

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