Viva Eve increases leads with Instapage experimentation

Viva Eve increases leads with Instapage experimentation


Variations tested


Visitors included in test


Conversion rate lift

Name: Viva Eve
Location: New York, NY


Viva Eve was born out of one simple belief: that there has to be a better way to approach women’s healthcare. The patient’s healthcare journey was fragmented, disjointed—rushed doctors, multiple visits to different specialists and offices, and a lack of education on her options were unfortunately all too common. Viva Eve built on the vision of personalized medical care, and invested in new technology and modernized processes in a commitment to continually improve medical care and treatment of their patients.


Viva Eve was looking for an opportunity to improve their landing page performance for social media and increase form submissions to schedule an appointment. Connecting with their Customer Support Manager at Instapage, Mia Beghetto, they launched a project to create a new optimized page template using Instapage’s conversion rate optimization (CRO), design, and engineering professional services. Once the page was launched Viva Eve saw success and wanted to build on it.

This image shows a screenshot of Viva Eve landing page


Instapage provided a list of additional test ideas for two of Viva Eve’s top landing pages. One item Viva Eve selected to test was a sticky Call-to-Action (CTA) to anchor visitors back to the hero.

Featuring a sticky CTA on a landing page can significantly enhance user experience and increase conversion rates with:

By always being visible, the sticky CTA encourages immediate action, which can lead to increased engagement and conversion rates as users are constantly reminded and nudged towards the desired goal.

On desktop devices, a sticky header was shown with a CTA that anchored the visitor back up to the form.

This image is a screenshot of Viva Eve website

On mobile devices, a sticky footer CTA was implemented providing similar benefits as the sticky header, persistent visibility and quick access, but optimizing placement for the mobile visitor.

Our experts recommend positioning the sticky element at the bottom of the mobile screen because it provides a better user experience for mobile visitors since the button is more accessible on the portion of the screen where mobile visitors are most active (the bottom).

This image is a screenshot of Viva Eve landing page mobile version

The Instapage team was super knowledgeable and helpful with coming up the testing ideas.



The experiment yielded positive results and Viva Eve achieved the following outcome with the sticky header and footer implementation:

Violet Wu shared her excitement to continue testing based on the roadmap provided by Instapage’s CRO team:

The entire process was smooth and easy, with plenty of educational support provided.


In conclusion, Viva Eve’s collaboration with Instapage in implementing sticky header and footer elements resulted in a remarkable 40% lift in conversion rates. This success underscores the power of strategic experimentation and optimization in driving tangible business outcomes. With a commitment to continuous improvement and a roadmap provided by Instapage’s CRO team, Viva Eve is poised to further elevate its performance and deliver exceptional experiences to its patients.

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