9 Security Landing Pages to Help Make Your Page More Trustworthy

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Landing Page Examples

As a company offering security services, prospects need to know they can trust what you have to offer. Their first impression of your company can ultimately win (or lose) you a sale. That is where a post-click landing page comes into play.

And regardless of the offer, it only makes sense that your post-click landing pages be as secure as the services you offer. Each page should include a variety of trust signals, so people are convinced their information will be kept safe. These trust signals can be a combination of any of the following: customer testimonials, brand logos, industry awards, secure payment logos, etc.

Before we review the security post-click landing pages below, let’s start with a fundamental reminder.

What is a post-click landing page?

A post-click landing page is a standalone web page that uses persuasive elements — such as compelling headlines, engaging media, valuable social proof, contrasting CTA buttons, etc. — to convince visitors to take action on a specific offer. That action could be signing up for an account or free trial, request a free quote, register for a webinar, schedule a demo, and more.

9 Security post-click landing page examples

(For shorter pages, we’ve displayed the entire page. For longer pages, we’ve only shown above the fold, so you’ll need to click through to the page to see some of the points we discuss. Also, keep in mind that some pages may be undergoing A/B testing with an alternate version than is displayed below.)

1. Oracle

As part of its suite of services, Oracle offers cloud security, and promotes it with this Google ad. First the ad, then its respective post-click landing page:

security post-click landing pages Google ad

security post-click landing pages Oracle

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

2. McAfee

McAfee is one of the industry leaders in antivirus software and internet security. To highlight their Total Protection™ package, they too use Google Ads. First is the ad with “Award-Winning” in the headline to convince prospects their software is highly-respected:

Then the sales post-click landing page:

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

3. ADT

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

4. Kaspersky

Kaspersky’s post-click landing page campaign features a click-through sales page with several elements to persuade visitors to click through t — a sale price, color contrasting CTA buttons, bulleted copy, a chart to demonstrate how Kaspersky compares to other Internet security solutions, and more:

The trust signals, through, are found primarily on the payments page:

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

5. Forcepoint

Forcepoint uses this report post-click landing page to encourage people to register for their free Cloud Threat Assessment Report. Unfortunately, the page is lacking trust elements:

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

6. Dell

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

7. FireEye

FireEye created this security post-click landing page to generate downloads of their Security Predictions for 2018 paper:

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

8. Infoblox

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

9. BetterCloud

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

How will you design your page?

High-converting post-click landing pages must instill trust in visitors for them to feel safe in redeeming your offer. Without key components like HTTPS, customer testimonials, privacy policy, and industry awards, your conversion rate likely won’t be as high as you like. Building personalized, post-click landing pages is your best chance to earn a high conversion rate.

Turn ad clicks into conversions, create dedicated, fast-loading post-click pages for every offer. See how you can provide audiences with unique post-click landing pages by signing up for an Instapage Enterprise Demo today.

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