12 Techniques for Post-Click Landing Page Design Inspiration

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Conversion Optimization

Your post-click landing page design matters, because these pages are your digital storefronts — essential for promoting and selling your products and services. When optimized correctly, the pages can substantially increase conversion rates. Since they are critical for the overall success of your business, creating professional, high-converting post-click landing pages are integral to your marketing strategy.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your app post-click landing page, product post-click landing page, mobile post-click landing page, or something else. There’s a plethora of various post-click landing page design inspiration available.

At Instapage, we have an entire blog category dedicated to post-click landing page examples. We research and write on this topic frequently to provide our audience with inspiration from some of the world’s biggest brands. Including Microsoft, Lyft, Marketo, Constant Contact, Oracle, Facebook, MailChimp, and HubSpot.

In this article, we’re going to showcase some post-click landing pages, highlighting several different design techniques, to provide you with inspiration when creating your pages. For each example, we’ll discuss what the page does well, and what could be A/B tested to produce better results.

post-click landing page design inspiration

Compelling hero image

Humans typically process images up to 60,000 times faster than text. When used correctly on your page, images can compel visitors to engage with your page long enough to convert on your offer. It’s time to stop telling your visitors what they’ll get when they redeem your offer and start showing them instead. A hero shot helps the prospect to visualize what it would be like to experience the benefits of your offer.

TaskEasy understands this, and they make great use of a hero image on their page. As soon as visitors land on the page, they get a glimpse of what their lawn could look like if they hire TaskEasy:

post-click landing page design inspiration Hero Image

What the page does well.

What to A/B test:

Bullet points

People often don’t want to read through endless text to find what they’re looking for. They’d rather quickly scan the page to find specific information — bulleted copy makes this possible. Bulleted copy (leveraging checkmarks, arrows, iconography, etc.) is effective because it allows visitors to scan the page quickly and find what they’re looking for.

This Yodle example uses bulleted copy (check marks) to highlight the benefits of their software. It stands out from the rest of the copy on the page with white space too:

What the page does well.

What to A/B tested:


When designing your page, think of how your visitors are most likely to view your page. That way, you can place your most important elements accordingly. Since people tend to read top to bottom and left to right, designing your page to follow an F-Pattern is smart.

Oracle’s demo post-click landing page below follows a distinct F-Pattern layout. Each important element is located along the F-Pattern path where visitors are naturally going to look when viewing the page.

  1. Viewers will first spot the computer image in the top-left corner.
  2. Their eyes will then follow the horizontal stem and then see the people smiling.
  3. Moving down the left side of the page to the next horizontal stem, visitors will focus their attention on the headline and then over to the single form field.
  4. Next, they’ll continue the F-Pattern down the vertical stem, where they’ll scan the paragraph of text and the bullet points.
  5. Finally, their focus will end up on the bright red CTA button.

What the page does well.

What to A/B test:


Like the F-Pattern, the Z-Pattern also helps viewers navigate your page, making it another great layout option for your page design.

Here’s an example from Business-Software.com that follows a clear Z-Pattern.

  1. Visitors will first see the bold headline in the upper left corner.
  2. Moving along the top horizontal Z stem, they arrive at the red “Register to Download” stamp.
  3. Moving diagonally down and to the bottom left, viewers will focus their attention on the image of the report.
  4. Finally, they’ll complete the Z-Pattern with another horizontal stem, where they’ll end up on the most important element of the page — the CTA button.

What the page does well.

What to A/B test:

White space

Another way to persuade visitors to focus their attention is to add white space. By including sufficient white space around certain elements, those elements stand out more on the page.

In addition to increasing the focus on specific elements, white space also helps.

Take a look at all the white space surrounding the lead capture form in the MarcomCentral example below. Notice that the space around the form isn’t actually white. White space can be any color as long as it helps separate the different page elements and contrasts with the element that it’s highlighting. In this case, the form:

What the page does well.

What to A/B test:

Anchor tags

Anchor tags link to another location on the same page, allowing visitors to jump to a specific part of the page without having to scroll. Since anchor links take visitors where they want to go without much effort, they help improve the overall user experience, which aids in the conversion process.

PRWeb included two anchor tags on their page — both “Get Started Now!” CTA buttons below the fold. Which when clicked, send visitors back up to the lead capture form above the fold:

What the page does well:

What to A/B test:


Incorporating media into your post-click landing page (in the form of images, video, or GIFs) can help increase conversions because they explain your product or service, while also making your page more visually appealing.

GIFs are animated images that help explain your offers more interactively. So rather than adding static images to your pages, like a screenshot of what your software dashboard looks like, add a GIF to visually demonstrate how prospects can perform different actions.

ActiveCampaign does this on their page:

What the page does well.

What to A/B test:

Visual cues

Visual cues play a huge role in post-click landing page design. Because they help maintain a visual hierarchy, keep visitors engaged, and point them in the direction of essential elements. Three commonly used visual cues include arrows, eye gaze, and strategically placed objects, all pointing in the direction of elements that are integral to your conversion goal.


Arrows are frequently used on post-click landing pages because they’re simple, straightforward, and easily understood. They can be animated or stationary, and are most commonly used to point visitors toward lead capture forms, and CTA buttons, like Bridgeline Digital does in this example:

What the page does well.

What to A/B test:

Eye gaze

Since people have a tendency to look at what others are looking at, using human eye gaze as a directional cue is especially effective on post-click landing pages. For example, if a human image on your page is looking at the headline, your visitor’s attention is likely to be drawn to headline as well. Therefore, this technique is useful for making visitors look where you want them to.

On the page below, Vistage included an image of a woman looking in the direction of the lead capture form. When visitors look at her, they subconsciously feel compelled to look at the form:

What the page does well:

What to A/B test:


A third commonly used visual cue technique is positioning objects so that they’re pointed directly toward a specific area of your page. Doing this focuses prospects’ attention on certain important page elements.

Lyft does this in the example below by positioning a vehicle directly toward – and almost touching – their lead capture form:

What the page does well:

What to A/B test:

Visual hierarchy

Every post-click landing page should follow a specific visual hierarchy — content that’s organized from most important to least important. The element intended to first grab visitors’ attention (usually the headline) should be placed at the top of the page, as this is the top of the hierarchy, with the rest of the content then delivered from highest to lowest priority.

Many characteristics play a role in creating visual hierarchy, including but not limited to:

SendGrid utilizes several of these components on their page. Let’s see which ones they use, and which ones they should consider improving:

What the page does well.

What to A/B test:

Attention-grabbing CTA button

A perfectly optimized, attention-grabbing CTA button is the most important element to include in your post-click landing page framework. It should stand out above all of the other elements, so there is no confusion as to where prospects need to click to redeem your offer.

WalkMe created their two-step opt-in page with a large, contrasting CTA button that certainly stands out on the page, grabbing visitors’ attention:

What the page does well.

What to A/B test.

Which post-click landing page design techniques inspired you?

Using post-click landing pages to promote and sell your products and services is an integral part of your marketing strategy. That’s because when optimized correctly — with the techniques described above, along with our Design Best Practices Guide and post-click landing page Optimization Guide, they can substantially increase your conversion rates.

Turn ad clicks into conversions, create dedicated, fast-loading post-click pages for every offer. See how to provide all of your audiences with unique post-click landing pages by signing up for an Instapage Enterprise Demo today.

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