6 Adobe Landing Page Examples to Help Optimize Your Own Pages

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Landing Page Examples

Adobe’s mission is to give everyone everything they need to design and deliver exceptional digital experiences. Adobe post-click landing pages throughout the entire marketing funnel — to increase brand awareness with reports and white papers, promote special events, sell a variety of membership plans and packages (and more) — all help make this possible.

Let’s quickly review the post-click landing page basics and review six persuasive Adobe post-click landing pages that the company depends on to generate conversions.

What is a post-click landing page?

A post-click landing page is a standalone web page that uses persuasive elements — compelling headlines, engaging media, valuable social proof, attention-grabbing CTA buttons, etc. — to convince visitors to take action on a specific offer. That action could be to download a guide or ebook, register for an event or webinar, sign up for a free trial or demo, and more.

6 Adobe post-click landing page examples

(For shorter pages, we’ve displayed the entire page. For longer pages, we’ve only shown above the fold, so you’ll need to click through to the page to see some of the points we discuss. Also, some pages may be undergoing A/B testing with an alternate version than is displayed below.)

1. Creative Cloud Plans

A Google search for “Adobe Premiere” displayed this paid search ad:

When search users click the ad headline or the “Buy Now” sitelink extension, they’re directed to a sales page where they can learn about the various Creative Cloud plans to select the one that’s best for them:

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

2. Adobe Stock for Enterprise Free Trial

Searching “Adobe Stock” produced this Google search ad:

Clicking the “Adobe Stock—Enterprise” sitelink takes prospects to this Adobe post-click landing page to sign up for a free trial:

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

3. Adobe MAX Conference

Adobe advertising also consists of promoting upcoming events. Here’s an event post-click landing page that offers a discount on the cost of Adobe MAX — The Creativity Conference registration:

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

4. Gartner’s 2017 Magic Quadrant Report

Adobe digital marketing was named a Leader in Gartner’s 2017 Magic Quadrant for Digital Marketing Hubs. This post-click landing page encourages people to download the report to see for themselves:

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

5. 2017 Digital Trends Report

This Adobe post-click landing page was also created to generate report downloads. This one came from a link in an Adobe blog post:

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

6. Adobe Captivate White Paper

This last Adobe post-click landing page example came from an organic Google search result for “Adobe white paper”:

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

Were you inspired by any of these Adobe post-click landing pages?

Adobe recognizes the importance of using optimized, dedicated post-click landing pages to increase the overall success of their marketing and advertising campaigns. The examples above demonstrate that Adobe’s digital marketing strategy relies heavily on post-click landing pages throughout the entire marketing funnel, from generating brand awareness in the awareness stage, to securing paying customers in the decision stage.

Like Adobe, your campaigns can benefit from professional, optimized post-click landing pages. Only then will you create a great post-click landing page for prospects.

Get an Instapage Enterprise demo and see how our platform allows you access to a suite of tools to significantly improve your advertising ROI and streamline your post-click process.

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Try the world's first Post-Click Automation™ solution today. Start a trial or schedule a demo to learn more about the Enterprise plan.