

average conversion rate

494 total
494 total

unique conversions over 5 months

1,506 total
1,506 total

unique visitors

Name: Xola
Employees: 56
Location: San Francisco, California

Xola is an elegant and powerful online booking and distribution system. The company provides cloud-based software that makes it simple for businesses to manage reservations in real-time and from any channel.


Acquire quality leads for sales-ready nurturing.

Business situation

The Xola marketing team knew that post-click landing pages are essential to any successful marketing campaign but were having a difficult time creating, publishing and managing them. To fill their sales pipeline, they needed to deploy a series of highly customized post-click landing pages to generate quality leads for its sales team. Xola did not have a solution that allowed for quick turnaround times and easy adjustments to optimize the conversion rate potential.

Build and analyze with Instapage

Xola found their solution in Instapage. Xola was able to quickly build beautifully designed pages. The team was able to closely track page performance with Google Analytics and quickly modify the post-click landing pages for better conversion rates.


The Xola marketing team’s first goal is lead generation, and by the end of the first quarter, Xola more than doubled its database.


Xola was able to build, modify, and track its post-click landing pages to directly improve the company’s ability to acquire sales-ready leads.

Most post-click landing page builders stick to their own theme, have their own way of doing things, and can’t be easily manipulated for your own purposes. Instapage had everything we needed — it was fully customizable, mobile responsive, and had the analytics and tracking we required for our remarketing efforts.

Ian Maier - Lead Generation Marketer

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