The Adverstising Influencers Podcast

The Adverstising Influencers Podcast

Learn about advertising conversion from top marketing leaders


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Gina Gotthilf, VP of Growth and Marketing at Duolingo on the effect of…

Gina Gotthilf, VP of Growth and Marketing at Duolingo on the effect of…

Gina Gotthilf is the VP of Growth and marketing at Duolingo, the most downloaded education app in the world. Duolingo is a…

Lou Severine, CEO of NYIAX on Transparency in Programmatic Advertising

Lou Severine, CEO of NYIAX on Transparency in Programmatic Advertising

Lou Severine is an executive with over 20 years of experience in digital media and advertising technology. Currently, Lou…

Josh Fechter, CEO and Co-Founder of BAMF on Transparency and Building…

Josh Fechter, CEO and Co-Founder of BAMF on Transparency and Building…

Josh Fechter is an award-winning growth hacking expert, marketing thought leader, social media influencer, and master of…

Hailey Friedman, Product Marketing Manager at RealtyShares on Networking and…

Hailey Friedman, Product Marketing Manager at RealtyShares on Networking and…

Hailey Friedman is the Product Marketing Manager at RealtyShares and the President of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of…

Leslie Campisi, CMO at Anthemis Group on PR, Holistic Attribution, and the…

Leslie Campisi, CMO at Anthemis Group on PR, Holistic Attribution, and the…

Leslie Campisi is the CMO at Anthemis Group, an early stage investment group, think tank, and consultancy for the financial…

Josh Haynam, CEO of Interact on Listening to Your Users During Acquisition

Josh Haynam, CEO of Interact on Listening to Your Users During Acquisition

Josh Haynam is a co-founder of Interact Quiz Builder, a tool used by more than 30,000 businesses including The American Red…

Jon Bishop, Director of Growth at Heap Analytics on Small Marketing Teams

Jon Bishop, Director of Growth at Heap Analytics on Small Marketing Teams

Jon Bishop is the Director of Growth at Heap Analytics, a self-serve analytics SaaS product that has changed the ability…

Sean Zinsmiester, VP of Product Marketing at Infer on Creating Soulful…

Sean Zinsmiester, VP of Product Marketing at Infer on Creating Soulful…

Sean Zinsmeister is the VP of Product Marketing at Infer, a predictive analytics and AI platform for enterprise companies.…


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