The Latest Instapage Marketing Resource: The Squeeze Page Guide

Last updated on by Fahad Muhammad in Instapage Updates

In digital marketing, the most coveted piece of user information is the email address because it’s how marketers get introduced to prospects so that they can nurture them down the sales funnel to purchase. And while all post-click landing pages should ask for email address, one page type is better equipped to capture email addresses better than all others.

The squeeze page.

Our comprehensive guide, “What is a Squeeze Page?,” is the perfect resource for any marketer looking to “squeeze” more email addresses from prospects in exchange for a marketing offer.

In this new guide, you’ll learn:

To access the complete guide, visit the “Guides” tab of the “Resources” dropdown menu on our website navigation.

Here is a brief summary of each chapter contained within the guide:

Chapter 1: What are Squeeze Pages?

Chapter 1 defines what a squeeze page is, why they’re important, and a list of offers marketers typically use in exchange for a visitor’s email address. It also features a video how to make the most effective squeeze page for your marketing campaigns.

Chapter 2: How are Squeeze Pages Different from post-click landing pages?

Chapter 2 highlights the main differences between a squeeze page and a post-click landing page demonstrated by an example from Square and an online training program. Also discussed is the importance of a thank you page and thank you email as part of the conversion process.

Chapter 3: How is a Squeeze Page Different from a Homepage?

Similar to chapter 2, this chapter explains how a website homepage is a browsing experience whereas squeeze pages are specifically designed to capture a visitor’s email address. The example in this chapter shows marketers how to use different variations of a squeeze page.

Chapter 4: What to Include on Your Squeeze Page

Chapter 4 lists the elements that should be included on your squeeze page to maximize conversions. The chapter also shows a great squeeze page example, complete with a critique of why the example is highly effective at capturing email addresses.

Chapter 5: Who Typically Uses Squeeze Pages?

Squeeze pages are not restricted to any one type of industry. This chapter discusses and shows three squeeze page examples from various industries and how each example is designed for conversion.

Chapter 6: How Do I Generate Traffic to a Squeeze Page?

Chapter 6 explains some of the most common paid and unpaid techniques to drive traffic to squeeze pages. After all, a squeeze page can’t collect email addresses for marketers if nobody sees the page in the first place.

Chapter 7: How Do I Improve Squeeze Page Conversions?

Similar to post-click landing pages, A/B testing is the best methodology to learn which squeeze page variation is performing the best. Chapter 7 briefly describes the A/B testing process and lists specific page elements to test on your squeeze pages to maximize conversions.

Chapter 8: How Do I Create a Squeeze Page?

The final chapter explains the two primary methods marketers use to design high-converting squeeze pages and why a dedicated post-click landing page platform is the smart choice. With pre-made templates and over 20 integrations, marketers can create beautiful post-click landing pages in minutes that integrate with their existing tool stack.

Review the Instapage squeeze page guide today

There is no doubt that squeeze pages provide a great opportunity for you to grow your email list while establishing a relationship with prospects. And with our new guide, we’re confident you can start creating your own squeeze pages while turning your good marketing into great marketing.

We encourage you to refer to the guide as needed throughout the squeeze page design process and feel free to share it with other marketers looking to grow their email list.

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