Always Be Closing: The Instapage Sales Page Guide Is Here

Last updated on by Fahad Muhammad in Instapage Updates

No matter the industry, the ultimate goal for any business is to secure customers and sales for the product or service being offered. While there are countless techniques suitable for achieving this goal, one of the most effective is a sales page.

A sales page is a standalone page created with that one specific purpose in mind: to secure more customers. The product or service you’re selling on the page will vary depending on your industry or niche, but the sales page’s purpose remains constant — to generate customers.

Our comprehensive guide, “What is a Sales Page?” is the essential resource for any marketer looking to do just that.

In this new guide, we’ll show you:

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Chapter 1: What are Sales Pages?

The guide begins with a definition and an explanation of how sales pages are used effectively in marketing campaigns. The chapter goes into detail about the difference between long and short-form sales pages, showcasing several examples of each with a complete breakdown of a Conversion XL sales page.

Chapter 2: How are Sales Pages Different Than post-click landing pages and Your Homepage?

Chapter 2 compares a sales page to a post-click landing page and a homepage while discussing the elements that differentiate these pages from each other. The chapter concludes by explaining the four situations in which a long-form sales page is most effective.

Chapter 3: What Do I Include on My Sales Page?

Sales pages have the toughest job of all post-click landing pages, so including the right persuasive elements is critical to their success. In chapter 3, each element is analyzed with the help of a Brandgasm sales page. In particular, why sales page copy should be formatted with bullet points, why it’s necessary to include multiple CTAs, and the one design element you should always omit from the page to keep visitors focused on your offer.

Chapter 4: What Industries Should Use Sales Pages?

You can create a long-form sales page no matter what industry you operate in, as long as the offer you’re promoting is worth it. In Chapter 4, learn why a visitor’s awareness level helps determine the amount of copy necessary and what three criteria make it worthwhile to create a sales page rather than a short-form post-click landing page.

Chapter 5: How Do I Create a Sales Page?

Chapter 5 outlines the main options for creating sales pages and why it’s more cost efficient to use a post-click landing page platform — no more costly time delays, waiting for developers to finish coding the page. With dedicated post-click landing page software, marketers can simplify the process by selecting a template, customizing the page, integrating with other marketing software, and publishing with a single click.

Chapter 6: How Do I A/B Test My Sales Page?

A/B testing has proven to be a highly effective method to determine which variation is the best design to increase conversions. In this last chapter, find out which three elements are the most common to test — supported by case studies from Crazy Egg, Shopify, and VWO.

Access the complete sales page guide

Convincing prospects to buy can be a tough feat, but with an optimized sales page, the task is more achievable. Follow the takeaways in this guide and just remember there is no perfect sales page template. What is equally important is to continue A/B testing for as long as your campaigns are active.

We’re confident this guide will help educate you on creating your own optimized sales pages that ultimately win customers. Please refer to the guide as necessary throughout the design process and feel free to share it with other marketers looking to secure more customers.

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