Get More Instapage Value with These 17 Landing Page Product Features

Last updated on by Fahad Muhammad in Instapage Updates

At Instapage, we believe specific solutions are often the more powerful solutions. We’ve created a platform that includes the most powerful post-click landing page builder, along with a robust integrations ecosystem, and advanced A/B testing capabilities.

We work at a rapid pace to get you new product features and updates we know will help create high-converting pages, faster. Since we regularly release new updates, it can be easy to lose track of things and take advantage of everything that Instapage has to offer.

Today we’re hoping to change that by reviewing all the latest post-click landing page product updates you may have forgotten about.

post-click landing page product features to consider in your next design

1. AMP

Most digital marketers know that more searches take place on mobile than desktop so optimizing the user experience for mobile should be a top priority. That starts with page load speed, and if a web page doesn’t load nearly instantly, people will bounce.

In response to this growing concern, Google and others introduced the open-sourced AMP framework in 2016 which restricts HTML/CSS and JavaScript, enabling faster-loading web pages. Plus, AMP pages are automatically cached by Google AMP Cache for faster load times in Google search.

Fast forward to May 2018 and our team introduced AMP post-click landing page functionality. With the new feature marketers can:

Watch this short video to see how you create an AMP post-click landing page in Instapage:

2. Instablocks™

Creating personalized post-click landing pages quickly and easily is not a painful process as it used to be before post-click landing page builders and templates became common. Even if you have a template it’s still frustrating and time-consuming to create pages from scratch each time. Now, doing it at scale is the main issue.

Instablocks solves this problem instantly because it allows you to create multiple post-click landing pages in a fraction of the time. Add an element (text, image, etc.) to a page, edit it, and save it in “My Blocks” for later. Just select your saved block and insert it where you want it to appear:

The update saves you precious time on creating everything from scratch because now you can scale to hundreds of post-click landing pages by eliminating duplicate creative work. Simply save and reuse common page blocks such as headers, footers, testimonials, and more.

With Instablocks, you can create and save custom blocks to reuse across your post-click landing pages, or leverage out-of-the-box Instablock Templates, like our existing post-click landing page templates.

Creating post-click landing pages at scale was never this easy.

3. Global Blocks

The Instablocks feature empowered marketers to save and reuse page blocks instead of creating post-click landing pages from scratch. Global Blocks takes this functionality to a whole other level because you can manage and update all of your post-click landing pages in a single click:

Simply create a custom block (e.g. CTA block, a header or testimonial block) and apply it globally on as many pages as you want. The update helps digital marketers with high-volume, high-velocity campaigns to create, manage, and update global brand templates at scale.

Watch the Global Blocks demo videos here and start creating and updating multiple post-click landing pages at scale with just one click.

4. Multistep Forms

Lead capture forms can lead to psychological friction if you don’t design them correctly. Too many fields and you risk people bouncing without converting. So, how can you collect more information without overwhelming prospects? Multistep forms.

Multistep forms help reduce friction on your post-click landing pages by allowing you to create multiple steps to collect lead information instead of using one long form:

Some instances when a multistep form is applicable:

  1. To not intimidate or overwhelm prospects with one long form
  2. When you’re signing users up for a new account
  3. When you’re accepting payment for an offer

Don’t risk losing conversions by requesting too much on a single form. Give your prospects a chance to show their commitment by completing a few fields at a time.

5. Branded email notifications

Running an agency is hectic. There’s a lot on your plate, in addition to spearheading numerous campaigns, managing the marketing funnel, and keeping tabs on the budget you have to ensure that you establish a strong rapport with clients and leave a lasting impression.

Our branded email notifications help you do exactly that. Branded emails are automated notifications that let your clients know they just received a new lead and confirmed to clients the post-click landing page you built for them is optimized for conversions.

Whenever a client receives a branded email from you not only do they know that the post-click landing page is converting, but they also think, “leads equals money.”

Similar to major email marketing services, this feature allows users to:

For advanced users comfortable with HTML, you can modify our standard email template code, or upload your own custom HTML file.

Every time you send an email notification to clients, you want it to reflect a professional image and for the recipients to be excited to hear from you — that’s exactly what branded email notifications helps you achieve.

6. Advanced workspaces permissions and privacy

It’s unlikely that everyone in your company needs access to the post-click landing pages your team is building. And even if they do, do they all require the same access privileges?

With Instapage’s advanced workspaces you can create private, team-based workspaces. The feature was designed to facilitate real-world workflows of teams and agencies with teams all over the globe.

With the advanced workspace permissions and privacy features, agencies can now assign team members to the various client accounts, collaborate with customers, and securely manage their integrations, directly from their workspaces.

With the feature:

No other post-click landing page platform offers these capabilities for teams and agencies, making Instapage the only post-click landing page and conversion optimization solution that your agency needs.

7. Attribution solution

The best way to ensure paid advertising campaigns are effective is to track their performance across the entire marketing and sales funnel, then attribute revenue, pipeline, and conversions to a specific ad campaign.

Advertisers obviously have access to the CPC for their ad campaigns, and they know their conversion rates. The main problem lies in the fact that they can’t combine these insights to calculate the initial cost of acquiring the visitor to the post-click landing page against the conversion rate on the page to determine the cost per lead.

The Instapage Attribution Solution enables marketers to do exactly that:

With the Attribution Solution, Enterprise customers can:

The integration with Google Ads and Google Analytics allows you to deliver highly detailed insights across the entire marketing and sales funnel. Data can be passed down from Google Ads to your CRM and automation systems allowing you to attribute top of the funnel metrics like ad campaign and cost-per-click to down-funnel goals like conversion, pipeline, and revenue.

This product update also comes with enhanced analytics capabilities that offer users improved data filtering and customizability. Slice the analytics reports by page/variation, traffic source, and device type, and filter by unique visitors, traffic type, device type, and date range:

The Instapage Attribution Solution makes this otherwise cumbersome task extremely simple. Read this Q&A for more details on this unique product update.

8. Heatmaps

Heatmaps showcase how visitors interact with a web page using a color-coded system with data visualization. The data collected through heatmaps allows you to gauge if visitors are having trouble finding what they are looking for on the page. This technology helps you collect user data to run better, more informed post-click landing page A/B tests.

The Instapage Heatmap Visualizer provides you with detailed insights into customer behavior and how those visitors interact with your post-click landing pages. The new feature provides 3-in-1 tracking functionality — mouse movement, clicks, and scroll depth:

What is also great is that the feature tracks insights on every single saved version you publish. To view your page’s heatmap, click “Preview” of the page variation, and turn on the heatmap toggle:

When you know exactly where the majority of your visitors scroll, what they click, and where they move, A/B testing becomes easier, and you’ll likely begin to see higher conversion rates than ever before.

9. Team collaboration

Messy mocked-up screenshots, multiple Slack messages, endless email threads. Collaborating on a post-click landing page shouldn’t be that difficult. Fortunately, it’s not anymore.

The Instapage Collaboration Solution puts an end to the fragmented communication during the post-click landing page creation process. It allows you to share and respond to comments, provide feedback, and resolve issues within our post-click landing page platform. It is fully integrated within our post-click landing page builder and provides a seamless user experience that competing products do not possess.

Collaborate with your team and agency in real-time, centralize scattered communications, and eliminate the time-consuming bottlenecks inherent in the design review process.

The collaboration solution enables users to:

  1. Share the preview of a page with either a URL or an email invitation.
  2. Create, delete, edit, and resolve a hotspot.
  3. Set visibility level for a hotspot.
  4. Mention a specific person.
  5. See actions reflected in real-time.
  6. Use a Comment Feed.
  7. Take advantage of a centralized message center.

For more detailed information, go here and to get started with the collaboration solution, watch this video.

10. SSL certificates

In digital marketing it’s hard to sell anything if the visitor doesn’t trust your brand. This is especially true for business sectors that must adhere to certain security and privacy standards like PCI-DSS and HIPAA in order to conduct business, collect information, and transact.

Do you think visitors will submit their personal information if they have any doubts that their information could be compromised?

Nope. This is where Instapage SSL certificates come into play.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remains private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.

Instapage offers SSL certificates for all customers who publish post-click landing pages to any custom domain, at no additional cost. The Instapage SSL feature:

You can determine which domains are encrypted with SSL and which domains are not secure by the color of the globe next to the domain connection. If it’s gray, it’s not encrypted, but if it’s green your page and domain is SSL protected:

The SSL feature enables customers to secure all interactions on their post-click landing pages, thereby complying with security policies, improving their customer experience, and helping increase conversions. This means any personally identifiable information (PII) that is transferred via a form will be encrypted.

Whether you run an enterprise business, operate in the healthcare industry, or run an ecommerce website an SSL certificate alleviates consumer security concerns when conducting transactions on your post-click landing pages, making them more likely to convert or purchase.

11. Mobile, grouping and alignment

With the mobile, grouping and alignment features users can organize design elements seamlessly, reducing the time it takes to publish a post-click landing page.

Say goodbye to hack workarounds, browser extensions, or tedious eyeballing to precisely arrange all the elements on a page. The grouping and alignment features enable you to select and move multiple page elements and resize them — while keeping their aspect ratio:

The newfound ease with which you can group multiple objects allows for easy manipulation of design assets with pixel-perfect alignment and distribution control.

Here’s how you can perfectly align all your post-click landing page elements. After you’ve aligned the elements, it’s time to group them. These features come enabled with aspect ratio Lock, which gives you the ability to keep layered element groups together — both on desktop or mobile post-click landing pages.

Gone are the days when you were forced to align each page element manually on mobile so that the page looked professional and conversion-worthy. Now, you can regenerate changes you make in the desktop pages to mobile pages with a single button click.

The mobile alignment feature ensures your mobile post-click landing page version is already perfectly aligned. This means you can now create mobile responsive versions of your post-click landing page quicker and more accurately than ever before.

Watch this video to learn how to create mobile-ready post-click landing pages with this new product update.

12. Inline Style Editor

Instapage’s Inline Style Editor enables users to add custom styling to a variety of post-click landing page elements. Specifically, to edit, create, and delete any CSS property. With the feature, you can now gain higher control over the post-click landing page design and customization process — to create pixel-perfect post-click landing pages that convert.

You can now make fine-level adjustments that will more accurately reflect your brand (and your client’s brand, too). The Inline Style Editor is one of a kind because it enables users to isolate CSS styling to individual page elements, as opposed to the entire page. Plus, you can add additional properties that were previously unavailable in the editing toolbar.

The feature allows users with web development and design skills to get maximum flexibility and precision to perform:

When you enable the Inline Style Editor the normal editing panel becomes inactive and comes pre-filled with the standard CSS options that you’re accustomed to:

Below is an example using the CSS editor adding the text padding property and specifying a value:

Combined with mobile, grouping and alignment, edge measurement, axis lock, and keyboard shortcuts, Instapage truly is the only post-click landing page platform that enables marketers to create 100% customizable, pixel-perfect post-click landing pages. It’s not lip service!

13. Custom fonts

Though not technically a post-click landing page element by definition, typography plays an integral role in bringing you conversions. Fonts and web typography are a factor in determining your brand’s first impression in digital marketing and are what a newcomer uses to form their first impression of your brand.

The Custom Font feature allows you the flexibility to choose your font. With the introduction of Custom Fonts integrations, Instapage is now providing nearly 100 times more font choices than every other post-click landing page software on the market.

The feature gives your post-click landing pages access to:

You don’t need to upload or integrate with any external API. Each font group is already uploaded to the Instapage builder and ready to use. Simply log into your Instapage account, click on “Settings” and then open the “Fonts” tab, which will show you drop downs. This is how you include Google Fonts on your post-click landing page:

To add a font from Adobe Typekit, simply click the drop down menu, then “Add Font”:

Make the right brand impression by choosing the post-click landing page font that says something about your business.

14. Custom 404 page

Typically, when a visitor lands on a 404 page, there are no navigation links on the page to take the visitor back to where they came from. In those instances, the visitor essentially has two options:

  1. Press the back button and revert to the previous page
  2. Try to open the link again

In reality, you can’t expect visitors to the second action. So, you have to design a 404 page that doesn’t halt the conversion process.

Instapage’s custom 404 feature allows you to create conversion-worthy 404 pages with a few simple clicks. The feature gives you the opportunity to collect leads from pages most marketers view as dead ends.

This functionality allows you to set any page as your 404 page. This gives you an additional opportunity to acquire leads and customers — even on a page that’s infamous for visitor abandonment.

To set up a custom 404 page, create a new post-click landing page, and publish it to your custom domain:

Navigate to the Domains dashboard:

Go to your domains settings and click Custom 404:

Select your 404 page from the list, and you’re done!

15. Audit Log

Audit logs are incredibly important for marketing teams and agencies because they maintain a chronological record of actions taken in a procedure or adjustments made to a project.

Audit logs give you a step-by-step, detailed account of who did what, when — to your post-click landing page. The Audit Log feature makes easier than ever to keep track of changes on a workspace with multiple team members. You can see information about who created, saved, published, or deleted pages from your workspace.

To access the audit log, click on the profile icon in the top-right corner in the Instapage dashboard, and select Audit Log from the menu. Next you will see the Audit Log screen:

Now you can know what happens in your account, and who’s responsible for doing what.

16. Parallax scrolling

Some design trends are worth implementing — adding a parallax scrolling background on your post-click landing pages is one of those trends.

On post-click landing pages with parallax scrolling, the background moves at a slower rate as compared to the foreground, so a 3D effect is created as the visitor scrolls.

Parallax design helps you narrate a story on your post-click landing page, and satisfy your visitors’ curiosity about your product or service in a more gradual manner. When this design technique is used with persuasive copy, you create a more engaging page.

Not only do parallax scrolling post-click landing pages look more appealing but they serve a conversion purpose.

Instapage enables you to add a parallax scrolling background with just a few clicks.

You can apply the parallax effect to your page section backgrounds and enable them from the options menu:

The resulting effect will look similar to this:

17. Click-to-call buttons (and links)

Mobile users behave differently than desktop users. The average session duration on mobile is 72 seconds, whereas desktop it’s more than double at 150 seconds. Online users have even shorter attention spans so it’s important that your mobile page isn’t too long and it’s easy for them to contact you.

Adding a click-to-call button makes this a possibility. A click-to-call button is a phone number on a web page that can be hyperlinked with a simple tag. Prospects can then click that button to call you directly from their mobile phone, or from their computer with the help of software like Skype.

The button eliminates one step for visitors (the wait time for the company to contact them) so brands can talk to prospects immediately, increasing the chance for conversions and sales.

The Instapage click-to-call button feature on mobile post-click landing pages lets you do this easily. Simply select the image, text, or button you want to use, and find the Click event button and then choose Outside URL:

Then type the link corresponding to the desired button. (Remember to use “tel:+[country code][area code][phone number]” format, without the square braces. For example tel:+16044841354)

Optimize every element of your post-click landing pages by easily adding click-to-call buttons. It’s certainly worth A/B testing!

Get the most out of the Instapage platform

Instapage empowers you to create high-converting professional post-click landing pages in a fraction of the time it takes, in other less advanced post-click landing pages builders. As an Instapage user, you’re already aware of this fact, even if you’ve forgotten some of the product features we’ve released.

Start creating post-click landing pages today, sign up for an Instapage Enterprise demo here.

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