How Google Hire Is Taking on the Recruiting Industry with Landing Pages

Last updated on by Marcus Johnson in Landing Page Examples

Finding the right talent for your business can be an expensive and time-consuming process. According to a U.C. Berkeley study, the average cost of hiring a new employee is $4,000. That number jumps up to a $7,000 average for professional and managerial employees.

With the staffing market predicted to reach $146.6 billion in 2018, most managers and senior level staff recognize the high cost and frustrating inefficiencies involved in hiring or replacing employees. Most managers have wished the hiring process could become more efficient and less of a drain on time and resources.

Google is now presenting their solution to this challenge. This July marks the launch of Google Hire, a recruitment platform for managing job applicants. They are betting on transforming the way companies hire new employees — and Google’s past success entering new markets suggests that competitors should be very wary.

What is Google Hire?

Google Hire is a recruitment platform that is designed to help businesses manage the hiring process and connect job seekers with opportunities. Or, in their own words, “Hire brings the power of Google to recruiting.”

Google’s dominance with data in the search engine space may separate Google Hire from potential competitors such as Indeed, Jobvite, and LinkedIn. Traditional job boards are limited to recommending jobs based on a user’s actions on their site. Since Google has information on what users search, what they buy, who they email (from all over the web), they can leverage this data to match companies with stronger job candidates.

Google’s wide array of apps also separates Google Hire from its competitors. Companies using Google Hire can easily sync interviews through Google Calendar and manage a prospective employee database through Google Sheets. That level of functionality and integration with apps isn’t currently available through other recruitment platforms.

Google Hire allows businesses to:

The power of Google search will likely be a big draw for Google Hire, as well the ability to sync Google Hire with Google apps.

Google Hire with post-click landing pages

As one of the most influential companies in the digital world, Google understands how best to market their products and services to be hyper targeted to prospects. Google Hire has currently limited the beta product to companies based in the US with under 1,000 employees to generate interest and create demand for the new service.

As you might expect, when you search for “Google Hire,” Google is using paid ads to promote their service:

Clicking on each Hire ad takes visitors to the Google Hire post-click landing page below. Let’s take a look at what this demo post-click landing page does well, and what it could A/B test to be more effective:

What the post-click landing page does well:

What the post-click landing page could change or A/B test:

The simplified post-click landing page users are taken to from the email looks very similar but doesn’t have the footer navigation links. The form is more personalized as well and offers specific time slots for availability.


After converting on the page, visitors are taken to a thank you page:

Prospects who convert on the offer are also sent a thank you email confirming their reservation. Doing this is a best practice to nurture leads with related content in the future and building a familiarity with your brand.

Why did Google choose post-click landing pages to promote Google Hire?

Google is no stranger to post-click landing pages; they’ve already used post-click landing pages to announce and promote products like Google Home. As the dominant provider in the search engine industry, Google understands that post-click landing pages are the best way to increase conversions and turn general interest in Google Hire into a substantial list of qualified prospects.

post-click landing pages that convert at a high rate focus on a single offer and use persuasive elements to convince prospects to act. Google’s post-click landing page for their Hire solution demonstrates their understanding of this.

Follow Google’s lead with post-click landing pages

By promoting Hire with a post-click landing page, Google is effectively keeping the focus on the product demo and nothing else. While Hire is currently only available to US based organizations with less than 1,000 employees, when Google is ready to roll out more features, they’ll be able to use their leads generated from post-click landing pages to extend the offer to those who couldn’t participate originally and generate sign ups. Here are more examples of ecruitment landing pages.

You can build attractive post-click landing pages to generate interest for your promotions just like Google. Sign up for an Instapage Enterprise demo today.

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