Want a Good Quality Score? Perfect the Post-click Experience

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Google Ads, Conversion Optimization, Facebook Advertising

Quality Score is a key factor in how well your ads perform. The more relevant your ad is to your target audience, the higher your quality score and the more likely people are to see your ad and click it. In other words, Quality Score evaluates whether you’re reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time.

One of the best ways to get a higher Quality Score across multiple advertising platforms is to optimize your landing pages. In this article, we’ll discuss how the landing page experience impacts your Quality Score on each platform and how you can improve your score across all platforms by perfecting the post-click landing page. To start, let’s dive into why Quality Score is important for advertisers.

Note: Although most ad platforms use the term “Quality Score,” others use “Ad Relevance,” “Ad Score,” or something similar. In this article, Quality Score is used interchangeably with these other terms unless otherwise noted.
What is Quality Score, and why is it important?

Quality Score is an estimate of how well your ads will perform based on their relevance to your target audience.

Scores are assigned a number from one to ten, with ten being the highest. A high Quality Score indicates your ad, keyword, and landing page are relevant to your audience, whereas a low score means they’re irrelevant.

Search engines and social media ad platforms want to show only relevant ads to users to provide them with a great user experience. Quality Score is used to determine which ads to show and how much to charge for each click or impression.

Google Ads was the first to introduce Quality Score. Many other advertising platforms quickly followed suit with similar concepts but using a different approach and terminology. Since each platform puts its own spin on the concept, they also each take a nuanced approach to post-click landing pages—one of the weighing factors in campaign relevance, and one of the easiest elements to control.

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