Best A/B Testing Tools for Landing Pages

Last updated on by Fahad Muhammad in A/B Split Testing

Creating a landing page is challenging.

You need to establish ad-to-page relevance, your offer needs to be relevant for visitors, and all the page elements need to come together so that conversion becomes the natural next step.

Unfortunately, even if you do everything right, sometimes conversion rates don’t meet your benchmarks.

And although you might feel like it, this is not the time to throw in the towel and start from scratch. Instead, your next step should be to investigate what isn’t working on your page and create page elements that bring conversions.

This is where you use A/B testing.

A/B tests help you determine which element/elements are responsible for your low conversion rate. During testing, you create different variations of your page, split traffic between the variations, and analyze which combination of page elements gets the most engagement and conversions.

  • If your overall messaging is resonating with audiences
  • If your offer is something your audience is interested in
  • If your copy is persuasive
  • If audiences are relating to your design elements and creatives
  • If you value conversion rates, which, of course, you do, A/B testing needs to be a necessary tool in your marketing arsenal. Deciding which A/B testing platform to use to test your pages is another story.

    While there are multiple tools out there that claim to be “built by experts” and “reach the right audience,” only a handful are perfect for testing your landing pages.

    We’ve curated a list of A/B testing tools to help you test your landing pages and meet your conversion rate benchmarks.

    How to evaluate A/B testing tools

    Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the tools, here’s a list of criteria on which we’re evaluating these A/B testing tools.

    1. User-friendly dashboard: An intuitive and easy-to-use dashboard makes creating, managing, and analyzing landing page A/B tests easier if you aren’t a technical wiz. It also ensures that anybody from your team could potentially conduct A/B tests.
    2. Advanced targeting: The ability to target specific audience segments based on demographics, behavior, or other criteria enhances the relevance and accuracy of A/B tests. With advanced targeting options, you can tailor experiments to different audience segments for more insightful results.
    3. Comprehensive analytics: Detailed analytics and reporting capabilities are essential for evaluating the performance of A/B tests. The tool should provide metrics such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and statistical significance to help users make informed decisions.
    4. Integration with analytics and marketing platforms: Seamless integration with analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) and marketing platforms (e.g., email marketing software) helps with data exchange and analysis, allowing for a more holistic view of the impact of A/B tests on overall marketing performance.
    5. Statistical significance calculation: A/B testing tools should include statistical analysis features to determine the significance of test results. So, you know your conversion decisions are based on reliable data.
    6. Responsive testing: The A/B testing tool should run tests across different devices and screen sizes. This ensures that changes made to landing pages are optimized for all users, regardless of their device.
    7. Multiple testing options: Accessing multiple test types is another nice-to-have that marketers should look for. Additional testing options include multivariate tests, heat maps, and split URL tests.
    8. Customer support: Running A/B tests smoothly requires access to detailed customer support resources, including documentation, tutorials, and responsive customer support channels.

    Best A/B testing tools for your landing pages

    1. Instapage

    Instapage (yes, we made it to the top of the list) helps you A/B test your landing pages with server-side experimentation. You can run A/B tests to gain real-time insights with robust analytics dashboards on the pages you’ve built with the no-code platform.

    Create multiple variations of your landing pages to discover which layout, copy, and images work best for specific audiences. Use AI-made headlines, paragraphs, and CTAs to accelerate experimentation without time-consuming rewrites.

    Instapage helps you see in detail how each landing page, experience, and variation is performing. You can view visitors, conversions, conversion rate, cost-per-visitor, and cost-per-lead.

    You can also A/B test AI-generated content for different audiences and ad groups and send data to the rest of your marketing stack.

    When the Verizon team used Instapage A/B testing, they saw:

    “With the A/B testing feature, VDMS validated which elements on its pages performed best. The ability to see visitor behavior first-hand and experiment with multiple page variations cut their cost per conversion by more than 50%.”

    Another feature that sets Instapage apart from other tools is our ability to run AI Experiments.

    AI Experiments use artificial intelligence to power a form of experiment called dynamic traffic allocation. This method tracks an experiment’s progress and directs traffic to higher-performing test variations. The metric it takes into account is each variation’s conversion rate.

    This experiment type differs from traditional A/B testing in a few ways. In a standard A/B/n test, the traffic is split evenly between two or more page variations. The test runs long enough to achieve statistical significance—until it has been performed with enough viewers to show a clear winner.

    Another advantage of using Instapage for testing your landing pages is that you can run heatmaps with the platform to track mouse movement, clicks, and scroll depth to understand what’s working and what you should A/B test to improve page performance.

    With Instapage, you can build, optimize, test, experiment, and analyze your landing pages with a single no-code platform.

    2. VWO

    VWO allows marketers to run split URL tests of the same landing page. The platform lets you test significant changes by having two different versions at two different URLs.

    Then, you send traffic to both and see which one converts better for the goal you are optimizing.

    You can see the improvement in the conversion rate a variation has brought and what is its probability of being the best-performing variation.

    With VWO, you can track multiple metrics for an A/B test to measure its impact across the entire funnel and make informed business decisions.

    3. Optimizely

    With Optimizely, marketers can run A/B tests with low code and extension templates that reduce reliance on developers.

    The Optimizely visual editor helps you target any element on your page and preview changes, while embedded AI capabilities suggest copy variations based on call-to-action messaging. Optimizely’s Web Experimentation is made for both technical experts and general users.

    You can run experiments from the network edge for a swift user experience, reach experiment learnings faster, and improve the accuracy of results and outcomes.

    4. GrowthBook

    The platform allows you to run unlimited A/B tests, manage linked feature flags, and use no-code tools to increase conversions. You can do more with your data and choose from three flexible experiment types, including two no-code options.

    The platform also allows you to maintain control and avoid vendor lock-in.

    They are integrated with all major SQL data sources, plus tools like Mixpanel and Google Analytics. You can also add metrics to past experiments.

    Start A/B testing now and increase your conversions

    All the A/B testing tools featured in the post help you optimize your campaigns and ensure they reach their full potential.

    But if you want to use a single platform to do everything on your landing pages—Instapage should be your choice.

    Start a 14-day free trial
    of Instapage today and start A/B testing and running AI Experiments on your landing pages. Then, use our advanced analytics and heatmaps to understand user behavior and achieve higher conversion rates.

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