Put Your Knowledge to Use: Marketing Your Brand on Quora to Drive Landing Page Traffic

Last updated on by Taylen Peterson in Lead Generation

Ask and you shall receive. And then you’ll receive some more, and at the end of it all, you’ll learn something new. At least, that’s the basic premise behind one of the biggest online communities for question and answers — Quora.

What is Quora?

Quora is a community-based question and answer site where users can ask questions, follow topics, provide answers, and share knowledge or expertise with other users. Users can then respond with follow-up questions, comments, or objections. Based on those responses, users can also upvote or downvote answers, and Quora uses all of this information to algorithmically display the best answers to questions.

What separates Quora from question and answer forums of yore is the social aspect and the focus on long-form, quality answers from people who have relevant experience to the topic. With that in mind, employees who work in particular fields or at a business with industry-specific information, Quora is a great place to share that knowledge and establish the company, and its employees, as a thought leader. It’s also a great place to generate traffic for your Quora post-click landing pages.

But, don’t just take my word on it. Here’s one Quora user’s take on Quora:

How you can use Quora for marketing

Answer the question

This may seem obvious, but the biggest reason other question and answer sites are a wasteland is that they seem to miss the point, which is to provide an answer to a legitimate question. The answers are too short, irrelevant, and/or low quality. Sometimes they don’t even make sense. Give a good answer, back your assertions with sources and proof, and explain your reasoning. Readers will appreciate your thoughtful answers and reward you with upvotes and follows, which will lead to higher views.

Use pictures

As with most things online, visual assistance goes a long way. A picture or graphic can tell a story that words alone often can’t, and Quora is no exception.

Use images to explain or support your claim. Images that provide an example are also great as a secondary explanation in your answer. Product shots can give users a glimpse into what you’re saying. Charts, graphs, and diagrams are also easy ways to improve the quality of your Quora answers:

Quora will also feature one image in the preview of an answer, like Nicholas Scalice’s answer above. Instead of the first few lines of your answer appearing alone as an introduction, an image will appear alongside the introduction of your answer, regardless of where the image first appears in your answer. When a user is scrolling through answers, images will help yours stand out and draw more attention.

YouTube videos also embed directly into answers, allowing you to give more context to answers or sources through video content. So if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth hundreds of thousands. If you have relevant videos to an answer, provide them directly in your answer and draw more views to your response.

Link to your sources

Quora allows for linking to external sites which give you a chance to hyperlink as if you were writing a blog post. Take advantage of this capability and link to a wealth of resources for users to find and use.

The more resources, the more helpful your answers will be. This is also a great chance to link back to blog posts, research papers, or other works you’ve done. If you’re talking about your own company, you can even link to a Quora post-click landing page.

In this example, a user asked, “what is the best post-click landing page software with analytics?” After explaining the advantages of Instapage, I linked back to the signup page with “Give us a try” as the CTA. This is an opportunity for you to create a CTA in your answer that sends users to a targeted post-click landing page from Quora.

Of course, this comes with a caveat. You don’t want to spam users with links to your website (unless a user specifically is asking about your company). Link where appropriate, but also link to other helpful resources.

Remember, this is about building your personal brand as a representative of your organization. Do you want your company known for low-quality, spammy content or high-quality, helpful information? Which one is going to build your brand as a reputable resource for the long-term?

Create multiple credentials

Your profile has a main biography where you can talk about yourself, but for every answer you write, you can adjust your credentials to fit the topic. A credential is a one-line bio that appears below your name on an answer you write. This is where you assert your expertise and justify why your opinion matters or why your answer should be taken seriously.

For example, if you’re writing an answer about the military or battlefield strategy, include your military experience in your credential. If you’ve been working as a designer for seven years, include that when you answer questions about design. The more specific, the better. If you have topics for which you know you’ll be answering often, you can create default credentials based on topic.

Here are some credentials I use when answering a Quora topic:

Keep in mind credentials can change at any time, before or after writing an answer, or even swapped for something more specific at the time of writing a new answer. Therefore, it’s best to have a default credential for topics you’ll often answer and then choose to use it or write a specific one as you write answers.

Write often

While questions that receive many upvotes on popular topics will continue to rack up views, it’s important to continue writing answers on other topics. Just as you wouldn’t stop creating great content if your blog article ranked #1 in Google search results, you don’t want to quit writing after only one successful Quora answer.

To become a thought leader and generate brand awareness you need to continue writing. Quantity drives quality. You can’t guarantee that you’ll get any traffic, let alone quality traffic, with just one successful answer.

Another benefit to writing often on topics relevant to your business is that Quora will recognize you as a “Top Writer.” This will make you more visible to those asking questions. Users can request answers from specific people and Quora suggests top writers during this process. Users frequently seek answers from those either in their network or top writers, giving you more exposure and chances to build your brand.

How marketers use Quora to drive post-click landing page traffic

Even though most resources listed in a quality Quora answer should be studies, news articles, blog posts, or other information-rich pages, there’s always room to include a Quora post-click landing page link. Let’s see how a few marketers are doing this in a way that is beneficial to both the reader and the marketer.

1. LeadSquared

Delshya does a wonderful job of using bulleted copy to break down the answer into easy-to-comprehend reasons to use LeadSquared, images for each section, using a link to the company’s website in the introduction, and then includes a CTA to a free trial post-click landing page for Quora readers to try the software at the end of the answer:

2. Lodr

Ajo recognizes that this answer is also going to be self-promotion but then backs up his decision with all of the reasons why Lodr is the right choice for this problem. He explains first and then adds a link back to Lodr. The answer continues to give three reasons why his product is the best way to load data. All of this makes for a quality, helpful answer that provides help and also promotes his business:

3. Tenfold

Right out of the gates Brooke asks the readers if they have tried Tenfold with a link back to the demo video on a post-click landing page. From there, Brooke breaks down the advantages of using Tenfold and her credential states that she is an employee, to help provide some transparency.

What does your Quora marketing strategy look like?

Quora is a place for sharing knowledge and building a community of information-sharing. Provide quality, actionable answers and the followers will come to you and your brand. Include images, link to your sources and, where appropriate, link to a personalized Quora post-click landing page targeted to your audience.

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