Q&A with Digital Marketing Strategist, Upasana Cheruku: Working with Clients to Increase Conversions

Last updated on by Brandon Weaver in Instapage Updates, Marketing Personalization

In recent articles, we’ve detailed why brands need a Full-Service solution to maximize advertising conversions, what to expect with Postclick, how the team increases conversions, and the necessary resources to get started.

Today, we talk with Upasana Cheruku who works with clients in identifying conversion opportunities.
What is your role with Postclick and the Full-Service offering?

UC: As a Digital Marketing Strategist, I analyze client accounts to evaluate how their paid media channel budgets and structure are broken out and provide pre- and post-click recommendations. My focus is being the expert on the client’s paid media efforts and identifying opportunities for improvement on both the pre-click and post-click stages to develop a strategy for the full-service offering.
What is your digital advertising background?

UC: Prior to Postclick, I have years of experience on the agency side with a primary focus on paid search, Facebook, Pinterest, GDN, Universal App Campaigns, and Apple Search Ads with large retail and automotive client budgets. I’ve created and executed client paid media strategies while optimizing their paid media accounts including testing ad creative, utilizing automated bid strategies, and testing alphas/betas that Google and Bing roll out on a regular basis.
In your experience, why do digital marketers struggle to earn a high advertising conversion rate?

UC: Digital marketers tend to focus all of their time and investment on the pre-click side through deciding which channel to invest their budget, what new alphas and betas to invest in, and utilizing new methods to hyper-target their ads and campaigns, etc.

Despite all of that, digital marketers don’t pay enough attention to what happens after the click. Personalizing their post-click landing pages to match these hyper-targeted ads and keywords would help with their conversion-focused KPIs and lift those conversion rates at a larger scale. That’s where the conversion intelligence of the Postclick team comes into play most:

Postclick full-service data
When customers grant you access to their advertising accounts, what happens next?

UC: First, I understand their paid media budget breakdown to form prioritization (Google Ads, Facebook, etc). Once I know which channel to prioritize, I analyze the campaigns, ad groups, keywords and ad structure to properly classify into initial personas/narratives. Analyzing the campaigns, ad groups and keywords and how the different components (audience, device, location, demographics, etc.) are segmented helps form initial pre-click recommendations and areas of opportunity for post-click landing pages.
How much ongoing collaboration is there with clients?

UC: The Postclick conversion team will be an extension of the client’s internal team. First, the onboarding process includes initial meetings with the client to understand their business and set the full-servicing offering up for success. Then, after we start building out the post-click landing pages, the vision is to work closely with the client and have monthly/quarterly check-ins on performance.
How do you collaborate with the rest of the Full-Service team?

UC: I am the first person to deep dive into a client’s paid media efforts and audit their accounts to form prioritizations and identify areas of conversion opportunities. Once I complete my analysis, I transfer the findings to the client and my initial pre-click and post-click recommendations to Mike, the Director of Conversion Strategy and the rest of the team.
What else should brands know about Full-Service?

UC: With brand teams usually having limited resources, Postclick carries out the Full-Service offering by taking the pressure off of them. Instead, our team is responsible for building out post-click landing pages and optimizing the experiences for maximum conversions.

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