New Feature: Mobile Responsive Landing Pages [Video]

Last updated on by Instapage in Instapage Updates

You heard about Mobilegeddon hitting last week. You might have even been shaking in your boots, wondering how you were going to find the time and budget to make all of your post-click landing pages mobile-ready for the update.

Since anyone who doesn’t have their website optimized for mobile is going to lose rank, you don’t have a choice anymore. Losing rank is the absolute last thing you want as a marketer, so getting those mobile clicks is imperative.

In our quest to lower the cost of customer acquisition, we know that you can’t do it without getting the Google juice. So we’re here to help you make sure you are at the top of your SEO game – with instant mobile responsive post-click landing pages.

Announcing Instant Mobile Responsive post-click landing pages

We’re thrilled to announce that it’s finally here. The most requested feature to date, our instant mobile responsive post-click landing pages will help you create more pages and achieve your conversion goals faster than ever.

By simply crafting your desktop ready and optimized post-click landing page, you can create a mobile page as well. The mobile builder will instantly sync headlines, images, and other elements in a way that makes sense for your mobile layout. Sign up for an Instapage Enterprise demo today.

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