There’s no shortage of lead capture page examples on the internet. There is, however, a lack of lead capture pages that are optimized to do what they were created to do (capture leads!).
What most marketers forget when creating lead capture pages is that just slapping a form on a page doesn’t make it a lead capture page. To make it a viable lead capture page, there are necessary elements that you must include converting visitors into leads.
So, what are these elements that help jumpstart your revenue cycle?
We’ve hand-picked four lead capture page examples to show you how an optimized lead capture pages should look.
Before we begin, it’s important we discuss what post-click landing page friction is because it plays a huge role in your lead capture process.
Friction is resistance — the first law of post-click landing page physics
Friction is any element on your post-click landing page that causes your customers to resist clicking on the CTA button.
Marketing Experiments describes friction as “psychological resistance to a given element in the sales or sign-up process… friction is the aggravation factor.” Because your post-click landing page conversions take place in your customers’ minds before they do on your page, it’s vital that your page is free of any of those elements that cause psychological resistance.
Friction confuses your visitors. It creates anxiety and frustration in their minds, so much so that they abandon your post-click landing page!
On lead capture pages, the element that causes friction is usually the form.
Visitors aren’t particularly eager to enter their personal information on post-click landing pages; especially if they don’t trust the company that is asking for their information. So, for starters establish trust on your post-click landing pages by either linking to your privacy policy (below the form) or including trust seals on your pages.
Another thing your visitors may not like is filling out a long form that asks for too many details. You can remedy this by removing unnecessary form fields based on where they’re at in your funnel. When Expedia tried this by removing one form field and earned $12 million in profit:
This picture shows how Expedia earned $12 million revenue by reducing the form on its lead capture page.
Why did such a minor change have such a major impact?
That single field created significant friction by breaking the flow of their entire user interface. A lot of visitors were confused by the “Company” field. Most visitors thought they should put in their bank name — causing them to enter their bank’s address in the billing fields, which led to failed transactions and higher customer abandonment.
Make sure your form only asks relevant and close ended questions because open-ended questions take up too much of your visitors’ time and energy to fill out. Want to know your visitors’ biggest marketing challenge? Give them a few options to choose from instead of having them write everything themselves.