Meet the 4 New Instapage Landing Page Product Features

Last updated on by Instapage in Instapage Updates

The Instapage team works tirelessly to produce post-click landing page product features that benefit all digital marketers to create personalized, post-click landing pages at scale. It is the mission that drives us every single day.

Today’s article details four new Instapage features that help you eliminate friction, enhance your workflow process, and design pixel-perfect mobile post-click landing pages.
The 4 newest features
1. 3x Faster Pages with the new Thor Render Engine™

It’s no secret that page load speed matters a lot. It was the sole reason for Google and others in developing the AMP framework after all. Every second counts, and numerous case studies and research reports prove that, including this one from Google.

Slowing page response time from 2 seconds to 8 seconds causes a 33% increase in page abandonment:

page abandonement site speed

In addition, this Google SOASTA study shows the relationship between page load time and bounce rate:

page load time Google

Instapage’s Thor Render Engine™ ensures that all customer post-click landing pages load up to 3x faster, instantly improving the user experience. This is especially important on slower networks when speed matters most. Even better is that, new pages will automatically use the new page generator.

The Instapage page load speed is verified and top-ranked by Google PageSpeed Insights, an industry-benchmark tool used to quantify website speed and performance for mobile and desktop devices. To demonstrate, we conducted a test using the old page generator versus the Thor Render Engine™. The test compared the exact same page, albeit with different URL.

(Note: The pages are no longer active as these URL are for testing purposes only.) First, the old generator:

old page generator

Then, the Thor Render Engine™:

new Instapage page generator

This is one sample test, and your results will vary, but 56% increasing to 95% is a significant improvement.

The Thor Render Engine™ is available to all new Instapage customers right now and available in phases to existing customers by the end of 2019. For existing customers, if you edit your pages and publish the changes, you will be asked if you prefer to use the newer version. Our new page generation system delivers the industry’s fastest loading pages and premium user experience for both desktop and mobile browsing. As a result, this optimized experience decreases performance-related bounce rates and can increase conversions.

(Thor Render Engine™ is not applicable to Instapage AMP pages. The AMP builder is a separate product using a different framework, and AMP pages load even faster.)
2. Invisible reCAPTCHA

Lead capture forms are one of the most important post-click landing page components as they capture lead data and start the user’s conversion journey with your brand. But the data collected can also become a nuisance for marketers when automated bots spam the form submissions. This makes it difficult and time-consuming to differentiate between valid leads and spam leads.

For marketers looking to protect their lead gen post-click landing pages from suspicious spam activity, Instapage integrated with Google’s Invisible reCAPTCHA. The security solution software prevents automated spam software from engaging in abusive activities on your post-click landing pages while allowing real visitors to submit their personal information:

The software can differentiate between malicious bots and humans triggering a reCAPTCHA verification challenge for suspicious traffic sources. Meanwhile, real people pass through without friction. By enabling this feature, you can prevent spam lead submissions on your post-click landing pages while focusing on increasing ROI through valid conversions.

The reCAPTCHA feature is available for all Instapage customers at the workspace level. To add it to all your post-click landing pages, select your workspace and click Integrations:

recaptcha Instapage select

Then select the reCAPTCHA option from the integrations list:

recaptcha Instapage

Next, enter your site key and secret key. Read this article for the complete step-by-step process of setting up the Invisible reCAPTCHA feature on all your post-click landing pages.

Instapage is the only post-click optimization platform that offers Invisible reCAPTCHA for post-click landing pages.
3. Hiding Mobile Blocks

Instapage has already made mobile post-click landing page creation easy by allowing customers to toggle between a mobile and desktop version within the builder. Moreover, with Instablocks™ you can save and use post-click landing page blocks on any page you want.

However, just because the Instapage mobile editor can regenerate the mobile version from the desktop version, does not mean the two have to be identical. What if your desktop version is a long page, but you want mobile visitors to see an abbreviated version? What if you want to hide entire sections from the mobile view?

Hiding Mobile Blocks allows you to hide entire post-click landing page blocks from the mobile version and create page experiences that are truly optimized for mobile browsing. This feature adds to the list of mobile optimization features like mobile element hiding, mobile block regeneration, and the AMP builder.

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