6 Ways You’re Annoying Clients and May Not Even Know It

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Marketing Agency Tips

There’s no denying that annoying clients exist. But as we all know, there are two sides to every story, and agencies aren’t completely innocent of being annoying as well.

This is to be expected since client collaboration can be challenging and not every client-agency relationship is rock-solid. While there’s no guaranteed way to have a hassle-free relationship with your clients, there are ways to make the client relationship and collaboration easier.

Take a look at the list below and ask yourself, “Am I guilty of making any of these mistakes that are probably annoying my clients?”

6 Ways you may be annoying your clients

1. You’re communicating too slowly

There isn’t a defined rule across all business relationships regarding response time to an email or phone call, but not responding to clients in a timely manner is certain to cause confusion, frustration, and annoyance.

Some clients expect a response by the end of the business day, while others are content with receiving a response within a 24 or 48-hour window. Either way, delayed responses will surely annoy your clients and likely make them question what they’re paying you for.

How to avoid this:

2. You’re leaving them out of the process

Whether intentional or not, many agencies build a wall around their work, leaving the client out in the cold. Since most clients don’t like surprises and prefer to know what’s going on, this causes frustration and distrust. Unless your clients state they prefer to be completely hands-off the project, there’s no better way to annoy them than to leave them out of the business process altogether.

How to avoid this:

To that point, Instapage provides the first and only post-click landing page collaboration solution with integrated collaboration capabilities for marketing teams and agencies. It allows clients and agencies to share and respond to comments, provide feedback, and resolve issues, all right within the platform and in real-time.

With the Instapage Collaboration Solution, there are no more marked-up screenshots and running commentaries across multiple, unconnected channels like email, messaging apps, or project management tools to deal with. Just simplified communication from start to finish.

3. You’re acting like a know-it-all

Many agencies feel obligated to always have an answer — to always say the right thing to clients: “Of course we can increase your conversion rate by 50%!” — But nobody can know the answer to absolutely everything, or know exactly how things are going to turn out. And acting like you know everything when you don’t, is bound to annoy and frustrate your clients.

How to avoid this:

4. You’re using the wrong terminology

Words are hard, and what you say to clients can frustrate, belittle, or even mislead them about a project altogether. This primarily falls into two categories:

How to avoid this:

5. You’re missing deadlines

Because so much trust stems from meeting deadlines and sticking to agreements, some clients would argue that missing a deadline — and not delivering what was promised — is the most frustrating thing an agency can do.

Meeting a deadline likely means a lot more to the client than it means to you as the agency, because for the client, it’s an entire calendar full of set launch dates, promotions, additional marketing activities, etc. Those dates and activities depend on your agency completing your part of the project.

How to avoid this:

For example, if you think that a website redesign project could be completed within three months, project that it will take four months. This leaves room for unexpected issues and occurrences, and provides you with the opportunity to look like a hero when you complete the project early.

6. You’re bouncing clients around from one person to the next

Sending your clients from one point of contact to the next is a surefire way to irritate them. This can even be irritating to your team, especially when some team members may not be as tuned-in to the project as other team members.

How to avoid this:

Are you guilty of annoying your clients?

Collaborating with clients can be tough especially when you have multiple clients requiring different projects from your agency team on different timelines. Even though you may have clients that annoy you, remember this: both parties can be annoying to one another. While there’s no foolproof way to have a perfectly seamless relationship with your clients, there are ways to make collaboration easier and to ensure you don’t annoy your clients.

Ask yourself if you’re guilty of annoying your clients by making any of the common mistakes listed above. If you find yourself answering yes, consider rereading some of the tips we included to avoid annoying your clients in the future.

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