Real Data: 4 Costly Things Instapage Users Forget to Do When Publishing

Last updated on by Brandon Weaver in Instapage Updates

Earlier this week, we divulged exactly what Instapage pro users (consultants and small businesses) and premium users (agencies and marketing teams) are doing to generate more conversions when they hit the “publish” button.

From data collected by the Instapage team, you found out that…

Today, we’re releasing even more data — but we’re doing it a little differently this time. Instead of sharing with you what our pro and premium users did right, we’re going to clue you into what they missed in the post-click landing page publishing process — things that are likely costing them conversions.

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4 Things the best marketers on Instapage forget to do when publishing a post-click landing page

1. A/B testing (80%)

We know you’re after more conversions, and you know the secret to generating them is more post-click landing pages. Data has already shown that businesses with 40 or more post-click landing pages generate 12x more leads than ones that use less than 5.

But there’s a way to generate even more conversions, on top of the additional ones you will with post-click landing pages. It’s using a method of optimization known as “A/B testing.”

If you’re not, allow us to give you the abridged version (read more in-depth articles on A/B testing here). A/B testing involves comparing your current page (A) against a variation of it (B), to determine which one converts better.

Both experts and novices agree it’s one of the easiest and most effective ways to boost conversion rate. But a surprising 80% of our pro and premium users aren’t immediately tapping into the power of our intuitive A/B testing tool.

With the click of a button, labeled “Create Variation,” you can create an identical clone of your page and edit whatever content you want to test.

If you want to see whether a video or a hero shot would convert better on your page, you can test that. If you want to find out whether a different color scheme would boost KPIs, you can do that tool. Then, use the industry’s most advanced analytics to determine a winner.

Remember, if you’re not always testing something, you’re without a doubt missing out on conversions.

2. Edit HTML (70%)

Within the Instapage builder, you have countless ways to customize your post-click landing page. You can click to edit any headline or copy, upload images easily, and import more fonts than you’d ever need from Adobe Typekit or Google Fonts. To do it, you’ll use the do-it-yourself buttons up in the “Elements” and “Settings” sections:

But, did you know can personalize your page even further?

If you want to make even more customizations — like adding an inline page element — click the “HTML” button to deploy a window in which you can add specialized code to your post-click landing page.

With that code, you can fine-tune the appearance of your page — from adjusting things like line height and letter spacing all the way to opacity — and even add widgets, like this one from the Instapage podcast on Soundcloud:

Sure, the word “coding” sounds complicated — but in most cases, the code you’ll want to add to your page will have already been written for you. All you’ll need to do is copy and paste into the window, then click the “Preview” button in the upper-right of your builder to see what the page will look like when it’s published.

See? Not so hard.

That’s why we were surprised to find that 70% of our pro and premium users aren’t taking advantage of the HTML/CSS editor. Maybe it’s because they don’t know about it, or maybe it’s because we already have a button for everything they need.

Whatever the reason, you should know it’s there if you need to use it — to keep your page on-brand, to add widgets, or to paste custom code from other software solutions.

3. Entered JavaScript (84%)

Tracking visitors is just one of the things you can do with the JavaScript editor that comes built into the Instapage editor. By adding snippets of code to the back-end of your post-click landing page, you can integrate it with the technologies we don’t have integrations for yet:

Track prospect behavior, serve retargeting ads to visitors, and accomplish countless other tasks with third-party scripts. The industry’s top bloggers use tools from…

Instapage already integrates with 20+ of the most popular marketing technologies, but if you’re using a tool that you don’t see here, you can be sure you’ll be able to integrate it with your post-click landing page using the JavaScript editor.

4. Published a page to WordPress (84%)

It’s a lot easier to manage your website’s content with a CMS than without one. And if you’re using one, there’s a 70% chance it’s WordPress. But what does that have to do with your post-click landing page?

More than you think actually.

There are a few significant benefits to publishing your post-click landing page via your CMS — and they have the potential to boost your campaign conversion rate.

See how your users behave in the context of your website

When you connect your post-click landing page to the rest of your website, you’ll be able to learn what your visitors are doing before they get to it. What pages are they viewing? What content are they reading? What are they downloading?

Answering those questions can help you determine what to offer next or what to A/B test.

Maintain brand consistency

Publishing to our pagedemo server instead of via your website can make your visitors question where they are. Are they still on your post-click landing page? Why does the URL in their address bar end with “”? That’s not what they’re used to seeing.

This tactic will only add friction to your post-click landing page. But when you publish via your CMS,
your domain name will remain in the URL, and your visitors will feel comfortable converting on a page consistent with your company’s branding.

A whopping 84% of our pro and premium users aren’t publishing their post-click landing pages via WordPress. When it’s as easy as clicking a button and installing a plugin, the rewards far outweigh the effort involved in earning them.

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