7 Infusionsoft Landing Pages That Establish a Great First Impression, and Convert

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Landing Page Examples

According to Entrepreneur, Infusionsoft is the “gold standard” for small businesses looking for sales and marketing solutions. With its CRM and email marketing software, the company helps marketers track their leads and customers at every stage of the buyer’s journey, and better nurture them to sale.

To win their own customers, Infusionsoft combines tactics like email marketing and customer relationship management with optimized post-click landing pages that persuade visitors to act.

What is a post-click landing page?

A post-click landing page is a standalone web page used to get visitors to take a specific action. This action could be to sign up for a trial or account, download a guide or report, buy a product or service, etc.

To convince visitors to take action, a post-click landing page should use a variety of persuasive elements like social proof, compelling copy, explainer videos, strong CTAs — which most other web pages don’t contain.

Here’s how the team at Infusionsoft has used them to generate business.

Keep in mind, for shorter post-click landing pages, we’ve shown the entire page. However, for longer pages, we only displayed above the fold. You may need to click through to each post-click landing page to see some of the points we discuss. Also, some of the examples listed may be A/B testing their page with an alternate version than the one displayed below.

How Infusionsoft uses post-click landing pages

Before we get to the good stuff, let’s take a quick look at this example of an Infusionsoft post-click landing page that is not fully optimized. Visitors are directed to this page from an Infusionsoft tweet:

The post-click landing page below isn’t optimized because it contains social links in the footer, various offers on the same page which act as exit links, and other distracting elements that take attention away from the main focus of the page, which is the ebook download:

While this one misses the mark narrowly, there are many ways in which Infusionsoft effectively uses post-click landing pages. As you’ll see in the examples below, the brand uses a variety of pages to establish a great first impression and to get people to convert on their offers.

1. To get people to sign up for their free “Growth Plan”

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

2. To preview their university coursework

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

3. To offer a video marketing guide

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

4. To increase attendance at live events

Although the offer is now expired, this Infusionsoft post-click landing page can be found by clicking on the brand’s event offer link in their Twitter feed:

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

5. To generate webinar registrations

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

6. To drive toolkit downloads

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

7. To offer a product demo

What the page does well:

What could be A/B tested:

Ready to start creating your own post-click landing pages like Infusionsoft?

Infusionsoft is just one of countless brands that truly understand the concept of post-click landing pages and why they’re a critical component of digital marketing. That is why the brand continues to use post-click landing pages to establish their best first impression, generate leads, and increase profit.

To create your best first impression and generate leads like Infusionsoft; get started today with Instapage. Sign up for an Instapage Enterprise demo today.

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