3 Conversion Boosters to Enhance Your Page Layouts

Last updated on by Hunter Sunrise in Conversion Optimization

Sometimes, your landing pages need a little extra to help move page visitors to conversion. Digital marketers want to enhance their page layouts to provide a better user experience and increase conversion rates, but this can be challenging and time-consuming without the right tools. A few key Instapage features can help boost your conversion rates by optimizing landing page design around specific goals.

This blog post will look at three conversion boosters we offer to improve urgency, connection, and brand immersion—and explore how they can help improve your layouts. Conversion boosters are vital because they provide an extra level of interaction and engagement that can help push visitors over the edge from curiosity to conversion. These three conversion boosters can help enhance your page layouts and take your landing pages to the next level.

Countdown timers create a sense of urgency

When developing new page layouts, it’s vital to add a sense of urgency. Countdown timers let visitors know that they need to act now to take advantage of your offer, or they may miss out. Adding a countdown timer is an excellent way to encourage visitors to take action instead of putting it off until later.

By adding elements of urgency to your page layout, you’re giving visitors a reason to act now instead of later. However, remember to tie these to real, limited-time offers. That way, you avoid falling into a dark pattern strategy of creating false urgency, which can make your audience feel scammed and lose their trust for good. Overall, countdown timers are an ideal way to encourage conversions by letting visitors to your landing page know they could be missing out on something incredible.

Multimedia plugins bring your page to life

Creating a personal connection with visitors is essential for gaining conversions, and Javascript, or CSS scripts can help achieve this. These features enable you to add multimedia elements like videos and audio that invite customers to learn more about your brand. By adding these elements, you’re creating a more personal connection with your visitors that can lead to conversions.

By using custom embedded HTML that displays content from another source directly on your page, you can display multimedia content from popular sites like YouTube and Vimeo without hosting the files yourself. This tactic can save you valuable bandwidth and storage space, while still providing your visitors with the engaging content they crave. With CRO, every tiny detail on your page layout matters, so take the time to personalize your page and use multimedia elements to create a connection with your visitors that will encourage them to convert.

You can also use fonts and colors associated with your brand to create a sense of familiarity and trust throughout your pages. Adding these elements gives visitors a better idea of who you are and what you stand for—two essential factors in conversion.

Chatbots provide essential support

Having a chatbot on your landing page can help you persuade customers to make more expensive purchases by answering their questions and addressing their concerns. By adding a chatbot to your landing page or website, you can provide a seamless experience for your visitors while ensuring customers can quickly get the help they need.

Instapage offers various features that can help marketers improve their page layouts and increase conversion rates. By adding elements like countdown timers, chat plugins, and multimedia, you can create a sense of urgency, connection, and brand immersion that will move your visitors through the funnel.

So, if you’re looking to take your page layout to the next level and increase your conversion rates, be sure to add elements that create a sense of brand immersion. Instapage’s built-in features like template layouts, optimization tools, and Instablocks can help you create pages quickly and easily, allowing marketers to create landing pages at scale, and then enhance them with features like chatbots, multimedia, and more. By using Instapage features like Instablocks, marketers can create unique pages that offer an unparalleled user experience.

Instapage has everything you need to build and optimize landing pages for higher conversions in one easy-to-use platform. Improve your campaign results and grow your business at any scale—without additional headcount. Ready to get started? Schedule a demo today.

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