How to Use Dynamic Content in Emails for Higher Engagement

Last updated on by Kevin George in Lead Generation, Marketing Personalization

Email marketers take pride being associated with one of the successful marketing channels with 81% customer retention. This is great news since it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one. Yet retaining a customer requires a lot of work; part of which includes providing personalized content without being too intrusive. Additionally, subscribers want more than ‘Hey ’ when it comes to personalized email content. It is an age of hyper-personalization.

In the email samples below, the name tag changes based on the subscriber’s first name in the database:

Email personalization involves customizing the email content based on the customer persona, online behavior, purchase history, and many other touch points. It focuses on treating your subscribers as individuals with unique personalities instead of names on an emailing list. To achieve this, email marketers segment their lists based on common preferences, but it is not the only way to introduce email personalization.

Email personalization using dynamic content is growing in popularity as an alternative to email segmentation.

What is dynamic email content?

Dynamic email content is unique in that it is based on the content you update, at the moment of the email open. Various factors are applicable, including:

VentureBeat conducted a study about the data points most widely used for email personalization and concluded that most email marketers include demographics and previous email engagements for email copy personalization:

So, the inclusion of dynamic content in your marketing emails enables you to send targeted messages and 74% of marketers agree that targeted personalization significantly increases customer engagement multifold.

Why use dynamic content?

The core advantage of dynamic content over sending segmented emails is:

  1. You bypass the trouble of updating your email list based on the content
  2. You create separate email templates for different configurations

By having a dynamic content block in your email copy, your subscribers get the same email but the copy can have separate images, product offers, and even the call-to-actions can be modified based on their customer personas.

Let’s understand the advantages in detail.

A great way to save time

In case of personalization via list segmentation, you first need to customize the email copy for different lists. Secondly, separate email templates must be created when the images also change for different lists. The number of templates will grow exponentially if the content is customized as per the customer lifecycle.

An example
Let’s say you have your email list segmented into ‘x’ number of email segments based on location. The number of email copy variation needed will be ‘x.’ If you further customize the copy as per the gender, the email template variation becomes ‘3x’, i.e., 3 to the power of x (for male, female, and other responses). Factor in 4 different lifecycle stage and the variation becomes 43x. You can see this quickly becomes time-consuming and unnecessary waste of resources.

Compare that scenario to designing a single email template with two dynamic content blocks, where all you need to provide is the email copy.

Send relevant content

The subscriber gets personalized content irrespective of list segmentation or dynamic content being implemented. The dynamic email helps provide better tailored relevant content to your subscribers.

Dynamic content can be especially useful for ecommerce where personalized product recommendation helps boost user engagement. As the content is dynamically refreshed, you can provide custom pricing, discounts, or hook that counters the reason for cart abandonment. Provide a custom reminder for product re-order email or product recommendation.

Doing the same with list segmentation involves investment into a custom product recommendation engine and individual attention into the users’ online behavior. This level of relevancy using dynamic content has another advantage…

Increased conversions

You build brand trust by providing a relevant solution to your subscriber’s problem at the right place and time. This brand trust goes a long way in helping create loyal customers who then become your brand advocates/evangelist.

Steps to take in setting up dynamic email campaigns

Dynamic content blocks must be planned well for seamless execution and some prerequisites apply for best results:

ESPs that support dynamic content

Knowledge about dynamic content in emails is incomplete without knowing which ESPs support sending such emails:

Examples of brands using dynamic content in emails

A common use of dynamic content is gender-based product personalization as shown in the Northern Trail Outfitters and Adidas examples here:

Nordstrom’s email went a step further and implemented subscribers’ location to dynamically change the content based on the location and associated weather:

Wrapping up

Avari, a company specializing in real-time predictive content in email, observed that by including a predictive content personalized email, the user engagement level of subscribers increases substantially. The below graph shows the different industries where dynamic content plays a great role in increasing user engagement:

This is paramount evidence that using dynamic content to personalize your email campaigns is a great way to boost your open and click-through rates. To an email marketer who is collecting the right data and delivering relevant content, only the sky’s the limit.

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