Step-By-Step Conversion Rate Optimization for Digital Marketers

Last updated on by Hunter Sunrise in Conversion Optimization

At its core, conversion rate optimization (CRO) in digital marketing is a process that uncovers friction in your ad journeys. It’s crucial when you consider how a good or bad digital experience can make the difference between a sale and a bounce.

Incorporating a CRO strategy is no longer optional—it’s mission-critical. By focusing on measurable outcomes, you can create a cycle of booming conversions and big dividends.

So what is the right CRO framework to follow? A solid CRO strategy rests on the following five pillars.

1. Personalize your outreach

Leverage your audience’s specific needs to influence their decisions. When you are asking yourself how to improve conversion rates, this is the most natural place to start. Think of this as your North Star to guide each visitor from your ads through your landing pages.

Doing so will establish relevant journeys that lead to conversions. Make sure to review your personalization strategy, ad-to-page relevance, and use of data.

2. Build trust

Credibility is the bridge that provides a smooth transition from interest to conversion. Provide content that invites your audience to learn who you are and connect beyond the ad journey.

As you develop these messages, it’s important to keep several steps in mind:

By educating and engaging with the customer, you will earn their trust show that your solution keeps their needs in mind.

3. Tell a great story

Think of the journey you create as an epic tale, with the customer playing the role of the protagonist. How do you guide them along the way? Build on classic storytelling elements:

4. Design to convert

Your imagery and design elements work with your copy to show why buying, downloading, or signing up for your product solves customers’ problems.That’s why you should base your design decisions on clear metrics about what resonates with your audience.

Use a rigorous A/B test cycle to test hypotheses. Once you have validated assumptions, design your content hierarchy based on what you know will work. It really is that simple.

5. Optimize for mobile

Mobile usage accounts for more than half of all global web traffic. Structure your content to fit into mobile layouts without clutter or loading lag.

How do you trim your content to make this work? Instead of cutting after you’ve created your page, try a mobile-first design. Select designs that optimize load speed automatically. Ask yourself if each piece of copy is necessary for a customer at that specific stage of the buying process. And when in doubt, it’s better to keep it simple.

Get in a flow of continuous experimentation

So now that we’ve shown you the pillars, what are the steps of conversion optimization? Glad you asked. Once you’ve thought through your strategy and solidified your foundation, use the following CRO framework to refine your landing pages—and radically impact your results.

Step 1: Audit landing pages

Make sure your landing page has these elements.

Step 2: Experiment with solutions

Review your notes from the previous section of optimization framework to hypothesize what your page is doing right and what to adjust to improve. Then, put your hypotheses to the test.

Use the following resources to test your hypothesis for page updates and conversion rate improvements.

Step 3: Optimize, and repeat the CRO process

It’s time to put your edits in practice. And remember—auditing your landing pages doesn’t end with a single task. Keep iterating and continuously pressure test your content.

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As conversion experts, Instapage constantly looks at data to find the most effective ways to optimize campaigns and improve ROAS. Let us do the heavy lifting to uncover friction, help you improve customer engagement, and increase conversion rates.

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