25 of the Best Landing Pages on the Web to Inspire Your Own Designs

Last updated on by Ted Vrountas in Landing Page Examples

If you’re a post-click landing page creator, you should probably look up to some of the brands that built the following 25 best landing pages.

Every one of them contains many of the 8 persuasive ingredients that make a great post-click landing page (which you can read more about by clicking the following photo).

This picture shows the 8 main elements marketers need to create the best post-click landing page possible.

Below you’ll find numerous examples of catchy headlines, social proof, authority boosters, and many of the other elements that make an anatomically correct post-click landing page. So pull out a pen and paper and prepare to take notes. You’re about to get schooled by the best.
Do your pages contain the 8 persuasive ingredients that make a great post-click landing page?

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25 best landing page examples you’ll find

(Note: For shorter pages, we’ve shown the entire page. For longer pages, we only displayed above the fold. You may need to click through to the page to see some of the points we discuss. Some sites A/B test their pages meaning you may be served an alternate version.)
1. Campaign Monitor

This gif shows how Campaign Monitor uses a post-click landing page to convert leads and close more sales.
What they did well:

The headline and sub-headline together convey a benefit: Get simple, elegant, affordable email marketing with 24/7 support.
Copy organized into chunks makes the page more easily readable.
The text “Join 150,000 companies around the world…” leverages social proof.
The green CTA button pops off the black background.
“Free,” the second most popular word in copywriting, can be found right in the call-to-action.
A testimonial given by Kori Mirsberger of SXSW improves Campaign Monitor’s reputation.
The arrow pointing to the CTA serves as a visual cue to get prospects’ eyes on the button.
Company badges from Buzzfeed, Airbnb, Apple, and Coca-Cola boosts Campaign Monitor’s authority.
An animated .GIF shows precisely how easy Campaign Monitor’s tools are to use.
A minimalist footer doesn’t distract visitors from clicking the CTA button.

What could be A/B tested:

The logo is linked to the homepage, making it easy for prospects to flee whenever they want.

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