Anxiety Free Landing Pages: Provide a Sense of Security to Your Visitors

Last updated on by Marcus Johnson in Conversion Optimization

Imagine driving down a busy street, and you’re low on gas. At the intersection, you see a gas station, but when you pull up, you see that it’s owned by a company with an unfamiliar logo. You feel uneasy about using your credit card in the reader since they haven’t earned your trust and you don’t know they will keep your information safe. Ultimately, you get back in the car and fill up at a station you know and trust.

In the above hypothetical, your anxiety prevented the transaction from being completed. You didn’t trust that your data would remain safe, so you purchased from another brand. That same feeling of anxiety could be preventing prospects from converting on your post-click landing pages. If your prospects don’t trust your company, they won’t complete forms and provide you with their information.
If your prospects don’t trust your company, they won’t complete forms.

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How to keep your post-click landing pages anxiety free

To lower anxiety in your visitors, you have to understand what is causing their concern. Prospects who visit your post-click landing pages need to be assured that you will keep their personal and financial data secure. They will likely worry about why you are asking for so much of their information up front, especially if you are not a brand that they recognize.

post-click landing page anxiety sounds like a scary term, but you can easily keep your prospects anxiety free and move them closer to conversion by optimizing your post-click landing pages. Adding elements like social proof can abate their concerns. A testimonial with a name, title, and headshot shows that other customers have had success with your business, and customer logos showcase popular brands that already use your product.

Social proof is a strong way to beat post-click landing page anxiety, but it isn’t the only tool you can leverage. Here are several post-click landing page techniques you can use to both increase trust and lower anxiety with visitors:
Message match

When prospects aren’t familiar with your brand, they are much more likely to become anxious. Message match is one strategy to help prospects get over that anxiety. Message match is defined as the consistency between a PPC campaign ad and a post-click landing page. A high level of consistency between the two often shares a color scheme, headlines, copy, and images.

post-click landing page anxiety drops when a PPC ad and a post-click landing page have strong message match. When consistency between the two is high, prospects feel comfortable and know that they’ve landed in the right place. Here’s a great example of message match:

WordStream’s Facebook ad has several striking features — the color scheme, image, and the headline. Prospects clicking on this ad would expect that the post-click landing page would have the same features. An example of a poor message match would be if prospects landed on a page with an orange color scheme and no light bulb image. In that example, the user would likely feel anxiety, and the result would be a drop in conversion rates:

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