WordPress Publishing and A/B Testing Now Available with AMP

Last updated on by Fahad Muhammad in AMP, A/B Split Testing, Instapage Updates

Web users expect instant gratification to do just about everything online — read, watch, purchase, etc., and fast-loading pages are a significant factor in making that all happen. For digital marketers like you, providing a positive user experience and generating conversions is key as well, especially on mobile. To help with that, the AMP framework was born in 2016.

AMP adoption has steadily increased since then and in May 2018, we introduced our own AMP builder in Instapage. The feature allowed marketers to build AMP-compliant pages in minutes. It is the first of its kind in the industry, but we knew it wasn’t “complete,” so to speak. So today, we are pleased to add two key components.

What’s new with the Instapage AMP builder

Starting today, Instapage users with AMP access can:

  1. Publish AMP post-click landing pages to WordPress
  2. A/B test AMP post-click landing pages

This article walks you through the necessary steps to publish your AMP post-click landing pages to WordPress and create A/B tests in the Instapage builder.

AMP WordPress Publishing

The first step to publishing your page on WordPress requires you to create an AMP post-click landing page. Click “Create new page” in your Instapage dashboard:

Select “AMP Page” from the pop-up menu:

Name the page:

Now that you are in the AMP builder, add page elements like headline, paragraph, image, video, button, form, shapes, and social. Or you can use the Instablocks™ feature and either add pre-saved element blocks from your campaigns or use block templates:

Once you’re satisfied with the page design, click “Publish” and the builder will perform the AMP validation process. This part lets you know whether or not the page exceeds the 75kb CSS stylesheet limit:

Once validated, you can select the WordPress publishing option:

Install and sign in to the Instapage plugin on your website and publish your new AMP post-click landing page to WordPress:

AMP A/B Testing

To create an A/B test, follow the same steps you did above for WordPress publishing (create a page, select AMP page, and name your page). Then, in the builder click the “Create an A/B Test” option and add a new variation. You can either add a new variation or import a variation:

With the new variation, you have the option to duplicate, pause, rename, transfer, or delete at any time:

Start publishing AMP pages to WordPress and A/B testing

The Instapage AMP builder was already robust and now with WordPress and A/B testing functionality, got even better. With these new features, we hope you enjoy more flexibility and maximize your ad spend even better with the world’s most robust post-click landing page platform.

Request an AMP demo today and experience the power of Instapage yourself.

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