Just Released: The Advertising Personalization Classification System

Last updated on by Brandon Weaver in Advertising

You’ve likely read the statistics about the incredible number of ads we’re exposed to daily. From the instant we wake up until we go to bed, it’s a constant barrage of appeals for our attention. Be it TV commercials, to cereal boxes and toothpaste labels, to radio ads during our commute, the billboards we pass, email inbox ads, paid search ads on Google, banner ads as we read the daily news online, etc. It’s relentless.

It’s as if we’ve all grown inured to the “information overload” state at described by Nobel Prize-winning economist Herbert A. Simon, way back in 1971 when Mr. Simon initially identified this phenomenon.

Over the 40+ years since Simon’s observation, the amount of information overloading us has ballooned. You have more than 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube per hour and 2 million blog articles published each day. The ratio of programming to commercial breaks has gone from 17 minutes to 14 minutes of content on average for a 30-minute program. And, there isn’t a square inch of any surface that isn’t branded.

Paradoxically, as content becomes more abundant and immediately available, our want has not diminished, we just can’t keep up.

Our attention span has become the limiting factor in the consumption of information.
Our attention span has become the limiting factor in the consumption of information.

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Even with all of the content available to us (and the potential for ad exposure), it doesn’t seem like it, but ads have become less intrusive. Consumers can be exposed to ads and messaging they find more applicable to them based on their user behavior and how they classify themselves with geolocation, and a variety of demographic variables. This is where brands come into play with personalized advertising.
Personalized advertising

Personalized advertising is the act of using insights into who a customer might be to increase the relevancy of an ad. These insights can be as simple as human wants/needs, geolocation, and basic demographic information to more specific insights such as a niche interest, buying intent, and even behavioral patterns.

That may seem like an obvious step in achieving better engagement and increasing ROI, but it’s still shocking to see that many brands don’t apply customer insights into their ad targeting. Marketers must then find ways to capture the consumer’s attention in a way that is beneficial to them and helps them fulfill their needs and desires.

With advertising platforms like Google Ads, AdRoll, Quantcast, Criteo (and many others), increased targeting capabilities, brands can more accurately and efficiently reach their desired audience.

Clearly, an organized system was needed to help classify the level of targeting.
The Advertising Personalization Classification System

Personalized advertising is not just the future, it’s right now and marketers who fail to recognize that will undoubtedly struggle to find success.
Personalized advertising is not just the future, it’s right now.

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But with consumers exposed to an abundance of content and ad messages every single day, how do they devote their attention to ads that are of value to them? And how can brands continue to present ad messages that speak our language? The answers lie in the Advertising Personalization Classification System.

This system is fed by advertising personalization. It’s advantageous to the consumer because it allows for a clear channel of communication between you and the brand. Companies, or brands, or their proxies in marketing speak directly to us in “our language.” They do it clearly, often without bothersome emotional appeals while impressing upon us that they have what we need. They earn our trust and induce us to purchase their products, acquire their goods, and rely on their services.

And that’s all they tell us.

What levels does your brand execute advertising personalization? To read the rest of the story, click here.

Don’t forget, you can turn more of your ad clicks into conversions with the Instapage Advertising Conversion Cloud. With AdMap, 1:1 Personalization, built-in collaboration, pixel-perfect designs & more, no other solution can compare. Request an Enterprise demo here.

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